It's sorority pledge week!
That’s right Newing College, grab your hair straighteners and glitter glue pens. It’s that time of the semester again, when hordes of sorority pledges will bombard dining halls with zombie-like greetings. Forget...
Class is a court and it's now in session
We’ve finished the first week of classes of this young semester, and I’m sure you’re all wondering the same thing I am: “Am I a bad person for making judgments about everyone...
To censor Twain is to rewrite our history
I spent the majority of my winter break with my good friend Mark Twain. Though I didn’t read one of his landmark novels, I did spend a fair amount of time with...
Obama shouldn't dumb himself down
Are we dumbing ourselves down or are we already simply dumb? Last week, President Obama appeared before Congress to deliver his annual State of the Union Address, which traditionally sets forth the...
Young people changing their world, Egypt as an inspiration
Whenever there are frenzies about political conflicts in the Middle East, I have a tendency to get so confused by the media coverage that I never take the time to connect the...
Campus prohibition
Hitting them where they live: smoking bans on college campuses are bad policy. ...
Binghamton University: An industrial degree factory
I’m torn. As much as my juvenile self longs for the aimlessness of vacation, on some level, it feels good to be back. Really good. As much as you may deny it,...
MTV has the show, but isn't the reason why girls are "16 and Pregnant"
Am I the only one who feels sorry for MTV? Recently, the network has come under fire for its provocative new show “Skins,” based on the popular British television series, which displays...
On surviving BU: Eat your Wheaties
After being fed misleading ideas for so long about what our college experience would be and should be, it’s hard to digest anything that goes against what we know. But there are...
If you don't drink, 21's just 21
For me, turning 21 doesn’t seem like a milestone. I turned 20 last year. I’m already two decades old. I’m a twenty-something, officially. What changes about turning 21, you ask? The no-brainer...