After the passage of an Student Association (SA) Congress resolution in support of implementing Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) on campus, many students and student-led organizations have expressed their opposition to the legislation. Pipe Dream reached out to these students and organizations to compile a list of statements highlighting their perspectives.

Ira Glasser ‘05 and the CEO of Hillel at Binghamton

“Courage and resilience. To stand up and speak out against the resolution calling for the SA to divest from Israel, express real fears about rising antisemitism, speak to the impact on the Binghamton campus community and articulate a desire to prevent a continued fracturing of the campus community — at real reputational risk — takes immense courage and resilience. As an organizational leader and alum, I had immense pride as I watched and listened to the Jewish and non-Jewish students who spoke during the SA Congress meeting on April 16. Jewish students are shouldering so much and are deeply impacted by the events in the Middle East. Time and again, they stand up for what is moral with the hope that Binghamton does not become another divided campus in our nation. We should heed the concerns raised by these students, take them seriously and applaud their courage in doing so.”

Saul Hakim, an off-campus college representative, the president of BU’s Zionist Organization and a junior double-majoring in Judaic studies and political science

“I am profoundly dismayed by the decision of the SA Congress at BU to pass a resolution [April 16] that not only undermines the principles of inclusivity and reasoned discourse but also blatantly disregards established legislative precedent and our community’s anti-discrimination policies. This resolution, fraught with antisemitic implications, should never have been presented or expedited through our governing process.

The manner in which this resolution was handled — pushed through during a session that extended into the early hours of the morning, after lengthy and impassioned speeches, without sufficient time for reflection or public input — demonstrates a gross violation of the principles of fair representation. The strategic timing and lack of a procedural waiting period denied our representatives the opportunity to fully engage with the complexities of the issue or to consider the perspectives and reactions of their constituents, particularly the Jewish community.

Such actions do not reflect a body committed to genuine debate or the welfare of its entire community but rather reveal a disturbing willingness to sacrifice dialogue for expediency. The resolution’s passage at 12:30 a.m., under these conditions, was not only procedurally deficient but also a clear message to the Jewish community that their concerns were not a priority in this discussion.

The disregard for established procedural safeguards, designed to ensure thoughtful legislative consideration and to prevent rash decisions, is unacceptable. [The April 16 meeting’s] proceedings did not meet the standards expected of a representative body at our institution. The use of this resolution to advance a specific political agenda, at the expense of community harmony and against our established norms, is deeply troubling.

The actions taken by the SA Congress [that] night failed not only the Jewish community but every member of our university who expects fairness, integrity and respect from their elected representatives.

We must strive for better.”

Michal Levine, a junior majoring in Judaic studies

“My name is Michal Levine. I am a junior at Binghamton University, majoring in Judaic studies and double-minoring in education and Israel Studies. Currently, I am the Major Programs Coordinator and the President-Elect of Chabad on Campus. I am ashamed to be associated with the Binghamton SA and am appalled by their Congress’s decision to pass the BDS Resolution on Tuesday night. I was there in the room. I sat for the entire hearing listening and taking in both sides, and I just don’t understand. Please I plead, listen to your fellow Jewish peers. We feel unsafe. This is our University as much as it’s yours. Instead of dividing ourselves, let us unite and promote peace rather than violence and hate. I implore you to please take a second and think, do your research and reconsider which side of history you want to be on.”

Nora Monasheri, the BU Council representative and a senior majoring in business administration

“Not only did the decision to pass BDS completely ignore the SA precedent established of remaining apolitical, but it also represents a distressing moral depravity.

As I conveyed while reading the testimony of Sapir, who attended and survived the Nova Peace Festival, the BDS Movement published a statement the day after Hamas’ brutal Oct. 7 massacre, in which they murdered, raped, dismembered, burned alive and tortured thousands of people, and from which they still hold 133 hostages, calling it ‘heroic’ and ‘reasonable.’ Ultimately, they changed their statement to call it a ‘powerful armed reaction’ which is of course not any better.

Our SA voted to ignore its own precedent in favor of aligning itself with a movement that, according to The New York Times, is run in part by Hamas. In passing this resolution, SA dismissed concerns from the Jewish community about rising antisemitism across the country, furthered division on our campus and aligned our student body with a terrorist organization that committed the worst attack against Jews since the Holocaust.

This decision stands as a stain on the integrity of this Congress and entirely undermines its credibility.

May we all continue to strive for peace — Am Israel Chai.”

Seth Schlank, an off-campus college representative and a junior majoring in psychology

“As a member of SA, I am deeply disappointed in the manner in which the Student Association Congress conducted itself [April 16]. This is a sad day for the SA and the vibrant Binghamton Jewish Community. S2324-R11 (Resolution Calling for Binghamton University Divestment) is steeped in antisemitic tropes and misinformation. On the same day that the ADL released a report outlining unprecedented increase in antisemitic violence, this resolution pours gas on the fire of hate. We look forward to healing this painful breach and hope that we can find partners who seek to unite not divide us.”

Nadav Weglein, a sophomore majoring in economics

“BDS passed. I do not agree at all with the resolution save for the amendment Mr. Hakim proposed regarding Israeli hostages in Gaza. This resolution is many things, illegal, divisive and antisemitic — Zionism is the Jewish aspiration for a homeland so being anti-Zionist inherently is antisemitic. I do not support this bill. I do not condone it. I am fully disappointed in my peers. I am ashamed. This bill purposed unity, and since getting onto campus [April 17] at 9:25 a.m. I have been glared at by all supporters of the bill that saw me speak last night. That’s scary. We as a community failed.”

BU’s Zionist Organization

”We, the BU Zionist Organization, express our profound disappointment in the SA Congress’s recent passing of the BDS resolution. The resolution not only contravenes the previously adopted International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism by promoting narratives that demonize, delegitimize and apply double standards to Israel, but it also violates established precedents set by the SA and the SUNY Student Assembly. By using charged and factually inaccurate language, the resolution undermines the academic integrity and inclusive environment that our University strives to maintain.

The resolution will have far-reaching negative effects on campus culture and discourse, contributing to the legitimization of antisemitism and creating an atmosphere of divisiveness and unease among students. The manner in which the resolution was passed — through suspending normal rules and pushing it through after hours of heated debate, without adequate time for reflection or thorough consideration — shows a disregard for the democratic principles of the SA. Such actions not only deprived the student body of a fair and reasoned legislative process but also forced many students to take a position under pressure and without sufficient information or time to process.

The bill and subsequent vote should never have even been allowed onto the floor. The contentious nature and the substantial opposition from the collective Jewish community, was largely ignored in favor of pursuing a political agenda. Over 7,000 signatories petitioned against this resolution, and their voices were left unheard in the decision-making process.

Instead of supporting our Jewish students, our Student Association now supports a group that called the Oct. 7 Massacre as nothing more than a ‘powerful armed reaction.’

The adoption of this resolution is a stark deviation from our University’s commitment to fostering a respectful and inclusive academic environment. The actions taken by the SA Congress last night failed not only the Jewish community but every member of our University who expects fairness, integrity and respect from their elected representatives.

Strive for better. Am Yisrael Chai.”