
Female masturbation is a wrongfully tabooed subject

Walking in on someone masturbating is like smoking weed — it’s bound to happen at least once during your college career. With a stroke of bad luck, I walked in on my...



Staff editorial flashback — 1998's "new" constitution compared to 2011's. ...


Need to avoid stalkers? Try to out-strange them

The amount of attention (and/or backlash) I’ve received since my last column was unlike anything I have ever experienced. People I had never met started quoting my article and giving me props....


Parents need to strike the right balance

As college students, people are quick to ask us about our plans for the immediate future. Where are we applying to grad school? What kind of job are we getting after graduation?...


Pastafarianism is the last line of defense against theocratic tyranny

Let’s start today’s column off with a little wager: I bet my god has bigger balls than yours. You see, I am a Pastafarian. You would never know it by looking at...


Five things you need to know about girls

Girls are complicated. It’s a fact that’s practically instilled in us from birth. It’s known and accepted that there’s one week a month girls shouldn’t be bothered, a Sweet 16 is basically...


The assault on Planned Parenthood

Lately, 2012 is really looking to me like it could be the end of the world. At least to a lefty like myself. What’s got me worried is the conservative backlash against...


Letters for grades, but not recommendation

Keep a watchful eye on your professors. There’s nothing more stressful than the graduate school application process. You have to worry about your grades in class, admissions exam scores, personal statements, résumés...


A look into the world of collegiate a cappella

This Presidents Day weekend (and virtually since the eighth grade) I found myself knee-deep in a cappella. My a cappella group, The Binghamton Crosbys, took a trip to the worst place in...


The turmoil in the Middle East requires another Marshall Plan

As instability abounds in the Middle East, so does uncertainty for the Western powers. The protests in the Arab world loom as potentially major threats to American diplomatic efforts. Though no figures...