
Facebook was right to delete the Intifada page

During the unrest that has rocked the Middle East for the past several months, social networking websites haven taken center stage as venues for a thorny moral dilemma between free speech and...


Positivity in a negative news cycle

When you take a look at a local or national newspaper or flip on the news — CNN, Fox News, MSNBC or the news channel of your choice — do you realize...


An upcoming appointment

Pipe Dream continues to break down a sputtering presidential search process.  ...


Good questions lead to great answers

Let’s be honest, everyone prefers talking about themselves rather than listening to others. There are really only a few people who actually enjoy listening to other people. At least that’s how I...


Cheating is in the eye of the beholder

Thanks to the advent of Facebook, defining our relationship statuses has become a hell of a lot easier. Your relationship isn’t bona fide unless it’s “Facebook Official,” and for the first time...


Whose headline is it anyway?

Staff Editorial — Spring Fling Edition. It's not Lady Gaga, but this could still be a good show. ...


I'm in an "it's complicated" relationship with Facebook

For the past five years I’ve been stuck in an unhealthy relationship. It started in high school, like many failed relationships do, and lives on solely because of my reluctance to let...


Staying real is as easy as watching wrestling

If I asked you to think of at least three fake people in your life right now, could you do it? Chances are, the answer is yes. Perhaps you’re even reading this...


WWII, then The Beatles, now it's Snooki

In 1942, a draft was declared in the United States. Democracy and human rights were being threatened abroad and young men no older than us answered the call. They came to be...


It's primary season, for better or worse

The 2012 election season has officially begun. For those of you wondering, yes it’s still March 2011. You’re not misreading the calendar, I promise. The search for the next Republican presidential candidate...