
An appeal to humanity

Before I begin, I implore all those reading to finish this piece in its entirety before discounting my words. I write not as a pro- or anti-Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS), student, but...


Response to March 2024 UUP 'Resolution on Palestine'

We write to express our dismay at the United University Professor’s (UUP) March 2024 “Resolution on Palestine.” The resolution contains numerous inaccuracies, misleading representations and prejudicial characterizations. Aside from its legitimate reiteration...


Feminist and queer liberation is Palestinian liberation

For feminist, queer, and gender non-conforming anti-zionists, a common retort we face when in conversation — or extreme disagreement — with Zionists, is that people like us should “go to Gaza, see...


Fighting antisemitism in the wake of SA divestment

The New Yiddish Bund of Binghamton represents a young but growing Jewish organization on campus, hosting Jewish cultural, educational and political events. All of us on the E-Board have experienced or witnessed...


BU faculty and professionals for freedom of speech and democratic student governance

Young people, in and out of college, should have a say and stake in our common and public affairs. They have so much to contribute, as we declare incessantly. University students, touted...


Love is the hardest, most beautiful thing

Love. Love is … ? How would you describe love? I don’t know. How does one go about defining something like love? There’s the old adage along the lines of, “love is...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: Spring 2024 Report Card

Administration: D  Binghamton University’s administration needs to pull it together. Amid the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, the student body has continued to be largely divided, and the administration has...


Political representation must be diverse

In my previous article I argued that discussions of a possible civil war in the United States reveals internal, underlying problems. The polarization and radicalization that perpetuate divides within American society are...


Letter to the Editor: Federal law preempts Executive Order 157

A Letter to the Editor is a column sent in for publication in response to a column or article previously published. This is in response to recent breaking news surrounding the recently-passed...


The United States must work toward preventing regional conflict in the Middle East

As tensions between Israel and Iran have recently heightened, the United States has found itself in the inevitable position of choosing whether or not it should intervene in the increasingly tense conflict....