
We play games and Obama plays along

Our frenzied media, ADD public and the president are to blame for the erosion of substantive political discourse in contemporary American politics. ...


The Morning After: Fun for Everyone

Waking up with someone else next to you can be an unwelcome surprise. But it can also be an opportunity --- it's all what you make of it. ...


Your vote actually is important

Your vote isn't just a statistically insignificant number. It's a chance to represent yourself and your demographic in general. More than that, it is a powerful way of throwing your support behind ...


A Eulogy for George McGovern

On Sunday we lost a paragon of American liberalism. His death is a sad reminder of the decline of liberal ideology in contemporary American politics and policy. ...

Staff Editorials

Fallen hero

We hope that a blemished record doesn't prevent Zach Stein from continuing his work to improve a Greek Life system in desperate need of a makeover. ...


Change is good, but for a cause

Renovating the New Union is just one example of the pointless construction that's taken over our campus. ...


Stress loves company

Rather than focusing on how busy you are, think about what your friends are going through, too. ...


Liberal arts is for everyone? Maybe not

Colleges should encourage students to pursue their passions, not force a generic curriculum down their throats. ...


Romney 2.0 is a product of our short-term memory

Romney's flip-flops may be noticed by some, but most America's eat up his new, moderated plan for America. ...


Government, Step Aside

Romney and Obama offer differing solutions for the country, but don't mention the best one: privatize everything. ...