Guest Columns

Marriage debate ignores most important factor of all: Personal choice

We should all be able to set our goals independently of the gender with which we identify. We should not judge others based on how they express their gender identities. It’s your ...


The Pope just may save the Church

The church, at least from what I have observed, has been on a path to hell. ...


Tea Party leaders hinder progress in Congress

What makes the fringe’s vehement opposition to Obama more than just a nuisance is that, instead of opposing the president on his policies’ merits, the fringe weaves a narrative in which Obama ...


Response column: Don't subscribe to gender roles

Even as the stay-at-home dad arrangement becomes more culturally acceptable, negative stereotypes abound. ...

Staff Editorials

Stacking Up

While there are inherent problems with forcing different schools to compete for top spots on lists, as an up and coming public school, the only direction we should be moving is up. ...


Response column: Men look for career-oriented women

Ambition, confidence and success are sexy. Misogyny, servility and contentment are not. ...


Sex education needs a facelift

Perhaps effort should be made to teach children about sex’s implications, as opposed to debating about the best age to be learning about it. ...

Staff Editorials

Hippie Pope

Here’s to hoping that Pope Francis’ tolerance will make it cool to be Christian again. ...


College is the place to find a husband

I believe getting married and having children are the most important jobs for a woman. ...


Drug testing welfare recipients is risky

This provocation of class tensions is a slippery slope. ...