Campus News

BUZO leads opposition to BDS resolution

The Binghamton University Zionist Organization (BUZO) created a petition last week to oppose a Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) resolution that will be introduced to the Student Association (SA) Congress on Tuesday. The...

Campus News

Divest from Death coalition backs pro-BDS resolution

The Divest from Death campaign, made up of a coalition of 19 student organizations, is supporting a resolution calling on the Student Association (SA) to use its platform to pressure Binghamton University...

Campus News

Solar eclipse passes through New York state, clouds block campus view

Students gazed up at cloudy skies on Binghamton University’s Peace Quad on Monday in hopes of watching this year’s total solar eclipse. The morning sky over the University was partly cloudy, with...

Campus News

Psychology lecturer creates online mental health program for children of divorce

To aid children of divorce, a lecturer in the psychology department at Binghamton University has constructed a digital mental health program. As a child of divorce himself, Professor Jesse Boring knows firsthand...

Campus News

Religious preacher incites debate, draws student crowd

For the second time this academic year, a religious preacher made inflammatory remarks toward various marginalized groups and engaged in heated debate with students on campus. Arriving Tuesday morning, Daniel Jon Lee,...

Campus News

GSEU protests University handling of Student Employee Appreciation event

After student employees were asked to volunteer at the Student Employee Appreciation event, the Graduate Student Employees Union (GSEU) gathered outside the Mandela Room to protest. The GSEU expressed their belief that...

Campus News

SA's executive vice president announces resignation

Chance Fiorisi, a junior majoring in political science, announced his resignation as Student Association (SA) executive vice president (EVP) in an email sent to all chartered organizations Tuesday night. The position will...

Campus News

Zero Hour leads opposition against planned Newing turf

Zero Hour, an on-campus environmental justice organization, has started a petition against a project converting the grass field in front of Newing College to artificial turf. Turf replaced the grass in both...

Campus News

History department hosts Northwestern University professor for annual lecture

An esteemed author and professor of history at Northwestern University gave a lecture highlighting the relationship between wood and settler colonialism in the United States last Thursday. The 15th-annual Shriber Lecture, titled...

Campus News

SA Congress hears student homelessness resolution

A resolution offering support to unhoused students was recently presented to the Student Association (SA) Congress for its consideration. The “Resolution to Address Student Homelessness at Binghamton,” proposed on March 26, will...