It’s true, folks — the cold weather is already upon us. Despite temperatures going down, PRISM is keeping the energy up with our October issue. There’s a lot going on in October, and I’m not talking about Halloween. It’s the time of year when we celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day, LGBTQ History Month in the United States, as well as Domestic Violence Awareness Month until Oct. 29. All of these noteworthy events are mentioned in this issue, and for good reason.
We start the issue off light, though, with a piece on singer and songwriter Kali Uchis and the role she plays in representing and uplifting women of color. However, the broad scope of Uchis’ lyrics and mixing of genres makes her a relatable figure to all.
October is also prime time for multicultural organizations to really get into the groove with events and fundraisers, and this issue highlights a couple of those groups. The Black Student Union (BSU) hit a big milestone with its 50th year on campus, and commemorated the achievement with its fashion show titled “Black Pearl: The Quest for Hidden Glory.” The BSU Fashion Show went back to the organization’s mission, emphasizing the importance of staying true to your roots, especially in regard to students of African descent. Held at the Floyd L. Maines Veterans Memorial Arena in Downtown Binghamton, the fashion show was bigger than ever, and I want to congratulate BSU on its spectacular success.
Additionally, we preview the Juvenile Urban Multicultural Program’s (JUMP Nation) upcoming banquet, whose theme this year is “Miami Vice.” JUMP Banquet serves as a celebration of the organization’s success in mentoring at-risk youth and encouraging them to finish high school and pursue higher education. I greatly admire the work that JUMP Nation does in providing this vulnerable population with the tools they need to navigate life in this day and age.
PRISM also features the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), which celebrated its 50th year on campus as well. EOP is an incredibly important resource in leveling the playing field, granting disadvantaged students access to higher education. Like JUMP Nation and BSU, EOP is an invaluable part of the Binghamton University campus.
As the fall semester continues, I hope that PRISM provides comfort to people of color at BU. When the weather gets colder, it’s easy to start to feel isolated as we go out less and stay home more. It’s a crucial time to keep our bonds strong and hold each other close, and PRISM strives to be a part of that.