As the fall semester comes racing to a close, many students grapple with the challenges of final exams and the winter break move-out process. Binghamton University provides various resources and opportunities to help students navigate academic challenges during this particularly demanding period. Here are six things to consider as the semester wraps up to help prepare for finals and cope with exam stress.

Check for Exam Conflicts

As finals approach, carefully review your exam schedules, published on BU Brain, to prevent scheduling conflicts and confirm you have no exams scheduled at the same time. If conflicts arise, contact your professors for guidance on resolving conflicts. You should not have three or more final exams in a 24-hour period. In this case, faculty members with the largest courses are expected to coordinate a make-up exam for their students.

Prepare for Final Exams

For academic support and course material clarification, attend your professor’s office hours during the lead-up to final exams. This will allow you to address challenging concepts and seek clarification on exam content. Consider organizing study groups and connecting with your classmates on platforms like GroupMe. Utilize University Tutoring Services to receive free tutoring in up to three courses at a time.

Create a Realistic Study Schedule

To steer clear of last-minute cramming, establish a study schedule in advance. Divide your study sessions into blocks to allocate time to review each subject thoroughly, which will improve retention of course material.

De-stress with Campus Resources

Navigating the stress of final exams can be difficult, but University resources are available to help ward off the looming pressure of finals season. Check your email daily for information from the B-Line, which often provides information on all of the de-stress events being held on campus, like ones with therapy dogs and community events for students to meet, connect and unwind. The University Counseling Center (UCC) offers support with same-day urgent, free and confidential counseling services, allowing students to have a space to address their mental health needs during stressful times.

Take Advantage of the Nature Preserve

Explore the campus Nature Preserve to take a break from studying. Offering a scenic escape and an opportunity to calm your mind during the craziness of exam season, the Nature Preserve has almost 11 miles of trails with a wooden footbridge and is home to various bird, mammal and reptilian species.

Review Move-Out Procedures

As residence halls close at 10 a.m. on Dec. 16, reviewing move-out procedures for winter break is important. If you are staying during the break, you must contact Residential Life and get approval. If you are heading home, you must close and lock all windows and doors and lower your blinds three-fourths of the way down. Unplug all electronics, including refrigerators and microwaves. Make sure to defrost your refrigerator ahead of time and dry it to avoid mold, and all perishable food items should be thrown in the garbage.

Students who live off-campus must also comply with trash and garbage collection rules, and trash goes in the blue city garbage bags. Those who fail to comply with regulations may be fined or face violations.