Campus News

Campus goes purple for domestic violence

In an effort to bring awareness to issues of domestic violence, people across New York, BU students included, wore purple to celebrate Wear Purple Day. ...

Campus News

Binghamton University gets a look at animal cruelty

Peta2, the youth branch of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), debuted its “Glass Walls” exhibit on a campus field to show students the life of an animal on a ...

Campus News

Peta2 flunks Binghamton University's vegan options

A recent survey, conducted by the youth branch of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), called peta2, gave Binghamton University a failing grade for vegan friendliness on campus, butDirector...

Campus News

Miss Asia crowned for martial arts mastery

Various Asian cultures converged and competed, displaying an array of new skills and talents during the second annual Miss Asia competition. ...

Campus News

Binghamton University celebrates National Coming Out Day

The Dean of Students Office organized Binghamton University’s first official National Coming Out Day celebration. Christine Quattro, a graduate student studying student affairs administration, planned the event to conclude last week’s Pride ...

Campus News

ROTC cadets join President Stenger on morning run

No strangers to early mornings or strenuous workouts, members of Binghamton University’s Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program joined Binghamton University President Harvey Stenger for his daily run Friday morning. ...

Campus News

Harvey Stenger attends Student Congress meeting

Coming off days of fundraising and spirit events during homecoming, President Harvey Stenger was ready to brag about Binghamton. “In the past few months we’ve had President Obama, Governor Cuomo, Cake Boss....

Greek Life

Greek pantheon competes for title of "God" in a test of brawn and talent

Representatives from seven Binghamton University fraternities strutted their stuff for charity Saturday night in the 28th annual Greek God competition. ...

Campus News

Students with 'sexperience' get ahead on DickedIn

Though it may only have one member, has thrust its way onto campus, with fliers circulating promoting “the only professional networking site for sexual intercourse.” ...

Campus News

Binghamton University Fair Trade club raises money for Guatemalan women

The Binghamton Fair Trade Club teamed up with Syracuse University Enactus’ Team Guatemala this past week to help sell products from Mayan weavers in Guatemala to Binghamton University students, the proceeds of ...