An odd step for BU Brain
Students were surprised when they logged onto BU Brain to register for classes only to find that things were not as they expected. Do the changes help ease the registration process? ...
Learning to give the gift of education
There has been much discussion recently about whether higher education should be considered a right or a privilege. Does higher education mean an undergraduate college degree? What, then, is the point of...
A case of the fast food blues
It’s no secret that fast food isn’t exactly good for you. The media routinely sheds light on the dangers of the fast food industry, switching between the horrific products that go into...
Wall Street protests still lack purpose and direction
The Occupy Wall Street movement is now in the middle of its second month. It has inspired similar movements across the country, all of which seem just as committed to the cause...
Frights and delights: Your new TV diet
Most of my columns tend to be bitchy diatribes about the suckiness of people. But not today! No, today I have decided to give all you noobs a guide to a few...
Climate change clarity
Global climate change. Sure, it’s a subject that has been discussed extensively, probably to the point of monotony or nausea, revived again, and then killed once more, but I think it’s still...
You can find me in the pub
I think that my classmates don’t appreciate bars. I know, you’re probably thinking that I lost a few too many brain cells over Halloween weekend to make such an outrageous statement, but...
Don't be ashamed to go under the knife
Let’s be honest — a vast number of people have stigmas regarding plastic surgery. When a celebrity undergoes a noteworthy plastic surgery procedure, it’s practically always given a negative spin in the...
Tragedy calls for animal law reform
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! On the afternoon of Tuesday, Oct. 18, more than 50 exotic, and even some endangered, animals were purposely let out of their cages to journey...
New and unimproved
Off Campus College Transport has made some changes, but no progress. ...