
Police Watch: 11 March, 2011

SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1:36 a.m. — A 32-year-old male cab driver reported to University Police that he dropped off a female passenger at Hillside Community, but the passenger refused to pay her...


SA Assembly considering removal of trays from dining halls

BU's Student Assembly is considering the idea that doing away with lunch trays may help conserve water and reduce food waste. ...


As result of complaints, position of VPMA to remain

The VPMA position faced removal until students spoke out against the change last week. ...


Fracking poses threat to drinking water

Members of the BU community have expressed concerns for the future of Vestal's drinking water due to the effects of hydraulic fracturing. ...


Students, faculty lobby for Albany's support

Faculty and students from BU took a trip to Albany last week to advocate for the University's needs in a time of economic uncertainty. ...


Student-run Escape faces competition from low-priced Megabus

Binghamton University students looking to travel to New York City can now purchase tickets through Megabus for as little as $1. ...


Pipe Dream Student Association Endorsements

After carefully interviewing the candidates and reviewing their qualifications and proposals, Pipe Dream offers its endorsements for the Student Assembly Executive Board elections. ...


Campus wells could protect University's water

The physical facilities department at Binghamton University is testing soil and water samples taken from the ground at the Innovative Technologies Complex to explore the possibility of using on-campus wells to supply...


Police Watch: March 8, 2011

TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 11:40 p.m. — The occupants of a suite in Mountainview College’s Windham Hall complained that the residents of another suite had entered their suite and trashed the living area,...


Unionized professors offer words of support to Wisconsin protestors

Union members at Binghamton University, including professors and Sodexo workers, feel strongly about the perceived attacks on organized labor in the Midwest. ...