Alexis Fischer

10 Articles

Senior Columns

An eye for an eye

After seven semesters of regretting my admission to Binghamton University, it’s hard to glorify any part of this city. Very rarely does the average student see a day without either a thunderstorm...


Disney's characterization of minorities is harmful

Why is it that Disney turns characters of color into nonhumans? In recent decades, a pattern has emerged in Disney’s productions — as viewers have noted, most storylines with a lead of...


Halloween is no excuse for ignorant, offensive costumes

With Halloween approaching, recognition of privilege is more important than ever in order to be sensitive to ignorant costumes. Of course, dressing up in costumes displaying blatant cultural appropriation is racist, but...


American treatment centers prioritize finances over client health

Already branded with stigma around treatment, most clients of rehabilitation centers have also fallen victim to the health care industry’s financial prioritization. As advertised, treatment centers are expected to focus on the...


"Ag-gag" laws protect harmful factory farming practices

Factory farming is a heartless practice that prioritizes profit over the well-being of animals and the environment. According to the Humane League, routine aspects of factory farming include “various bodily mutilations, extremely...


Media should emphasize environmental progress

The tremendous weight of how hopeless humans feel toward saving their planet overpowers any desire to act. Thinking back to news stories I have seen addressing environmental issues, there is almost always...


Art institutions should boycott pro-Putin artists

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has risen all kinds of coverage in the media. Aside from updates on attacks and communications, the news has also provoked some artistic change. Galleries and museums have started...


Letter writing brings more meaning to communication

We’ve all been astronomically wronged at some point in our life — whether it was by a friend, partner, family member or someone else. Think back to an apology text you might...

Sex Issue 2022

Virginity is not something to be lost

Virginity is a social construct that makes most people feel judged no matter how they perceive it. Those who lose their virginity at a young age get slut-shamed, and those who lose...


College discourse on eating disorders is toxic

Editor’s note: This column discusses disordered eating and body dysmorphia, so readers should be advised.  “You’re withering away,” my roommate said with droopy eyes. I looked at my half-empty smoothie sitting on...