Summertime. There’s always so much potential for summer when it begins ‘ you can get into shape, catch up on your reading and relax. But if you’re like me, you may just come to a sad realization.

Not only are you tired of ‘kicking back,’ but you have also read everything ever written, are in the best shape of your life and, most tragically of all, have no possible room for improvement.

Just kidding, I’m not bored of kicking back.

Well, you could always just enjoy that part-time job of yours. But unfortunately, it seems that a job search is the closest most of us will get to employment this year at all. Nearly all of my friends seem to be struggling to find part-time jobs, mainly because they’re vying for the same jobs that older and more experienced workers also want.

Obviously, this can be frustrating. If you haven’t found a job, don’t dwell on it, but take it as a sign. No, no, not a sign of the apocalypse. It’s probably too early for that.

It’s more of a sign that the real world is not only filled with joy and candy, but also with disappointment. Think about the job market right now ‘ you’re competing for jobs with people your parents’ age. The real world is harsh, and even though you may feel that you’re being cheated out of the traditional summer job experience, you’re not.

You’re never ‘cheated’ out of anything. Life isn’t fair, as you’ve been told since birth. It’s not fair when everyone gets brand new scooters and you get yours three years after it’s cool. It’s not fair that your mom’s dad was completely bald at 30 and every Thanksgiving you can see the grim future of your own doomed hair reflected against his shiny dome.

With life, you only deserve what you’re dealt ‘ it’s like a deck of cards. Some people get to be kings and queens, while others are destined to be jokers. Life is not fair; try to accept it.

I’m not saying that jokers should give up on life, but they shouldn’t try to be royalty either. You have to work with what you have. Since we are not all created equally, it’s important to recognize both your strengths and weaknesses when considering potential jobs, even just the part-time summer ones.

Begin thinking about both what you would like to do and what jobs are out there, and direct your talents toward a job that will both utilize and expand them.

But even if you know what you’re good at, why not take a summer class in something outside of your major to test your bounds? Take a foreign language class, a math class or an English class ‘ anything outside your comfort zone.

In fact, growth occurs only when we’re courageous enough to step outside our comfort zone, whether it means taking a new class, trying new foods or even wearing a different color. Suddenly you feel smarter, more confident and undaunted by orange.

You may not have a job this summer, but it’s a great time to learn about yourself and consider future careers. You may be a little upset about losing life experience, but don’t feel too bad. In the long run, understanding where you fit into the fabric of society is a lot more important than understanding how the patty goes between the onions and the pickles for maximum burger space.