If you’re looking for ways to get involved on campus, last semester wasn’t your only chance to attend fun events and experience new things. All different types of Binghamton University clubs and student organizations are offering things to do and ways to engage with the campus community. As you settle into the first week back, it’s important to note that there are lots of fun events to look forward to.

1. Club Carnival

This tabling event will showcase clubs and organizations on campus, many of which either didn’t get a chance to advertise at UFEST in the fall or only became chartered later in the academic year. Don’t miss this chance to make new connections and join new activities. It will be held on Sunday, Jan. 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in The Union. Come for free food, giveaways and great prizes like Nintendo Switches, a Keurig, gift baskets and more.

2. Productions by Hinman Production Company and Dickinson Community Players

Two student-run theater clubs on campus, Hinman Production Company and Dickinson Community Players, both have a full lineup for the spring semester. HPC is looking forward to Binghamton Night Live 18, the sketch-comedy show based on Saturday Night Live, which is running between Feb. 27 and March 2, as well as their production of “Romeo & Juliet” running from April 3 to April 5.

The Dickinson Community Players will be putting on their play, “Pride and Prejudice,” showing April 4 and April 5, as well as their spring musical, “The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals,” running from April 25 and April 26. Both theater companies are completely student-run and put on some great shows every semester that are a lot of fun for everyone involved. Don’t miss these opportunities to support student art.

3. Alumni readings with Nathan Lipps and Leah Umansky 

Join alumni Nathan Lipps Ph.D.‘19 and Leah Umansky ‘02, as the two poets read from their respective collections in the Jay S. & Jeanne Benet Alumni Lounge on Feb 12. Lipps is the author of “Built Around the Fire” and “The Body as Passage,” and Umansky is the author of three poetry collections, including “Of Tyrant.” Both authors will highlight their work and will answer questions from audience members. Come out for a night of exploring the art of literature.

4. Night at the Discotheque 

Join WHRW radio station and the BU Art Museum for a night of disco. Held in the BUAM main gallery on Jan. 24, the night will feature live-mixed vinyls from WHRW DJs. Everyone is encouraged to wear their best disco attire. WHRW is completely student-run and puts on a lot of fun events throughout the semester — be sure to check this one out.

5. iLuminate 

Don’t miss this unique act from America’s Got Talent coming to perform at BU. This cast of the country’s top dancers perform pop and rock hits with a twist, they’re outfitted with LED light suits that create visually spectacular lighting effects to transport the audience to a different world. This event will be held on April 24 in the Osterhout Concert Theater and will be an unforgettable display of art, music and color.

It’s important to be involved in your campus — whether the focus is on art, community service or letting loose from the stresses of the semester. Students can look forward to getting connected in all types of ways with their campus community this upcoming semester. Whether it’s going to a show or joining a new club, there are many opportunities to get involved.