
When I was 18 years old, I walked onto the campus of SUNY Oneonta an anxious college freshman extremely unsure of my surroundings, and sort of looking forward to what that fall of 2012 would offer. I wasn’t overly excited but I was, eh, pretty content.

That semester went on and it was a little weird. I would walk from class to class every day and although I had found amazing people, learned some new things and already made great memories, I knew I wouldn’t graduate from that school. That feeling lasted through my sophomore year as well. I wasn’t meant to be there and I just knew it.

I made the choice to apply to Binghamton (and one other school) because I really, genuinely wasn’t happy. Nothing about Oneonta really made me fall in love with it and I knew if I didn’t attempt to change my situation I would regret it forever. That decision was one of the best I have ever made.

I was 20 years old, and officially a junior at Binghamton University and, well, transferring was not easy whatsoever. For a while, I thought I’d made a mistake. Lots of tears and phone calls home occurred. I didn’t have many friends at first, was intimidated by my curriculum and honestly I was really not sure I made the right choice. But I gave myself time (and lots of it) and here I am now, 22 years old, a senior graduating in a few weeks and I couldn’t see myself anywhere else.

I fully believe these last four years have been all about choices. College basically knocks on your door every day and requires you to make choices. Wake up and go to class or sleep more? Study your ass off for that exam tomorrow or go get a few drinks with your friends? Go get a little more work done in the library, or binge watch “Gossip Girl” even though you already watched all six seasons three years ago?

It is these choices that build your experience. I won’t lie, I made some shitty choices in my four years that I’m not overly proud of, but I paid for them. I also made choices that have fully changed my life and made me who I am today and I couldn’t be happier. But even my stupid choices that I regret completely helped me eventually make the right ones.

I chose hard work over laziness, I chose friendship and forgiveness over drama, I chose love again, I chose to wake up and be happy when I didn’t always feel like it, I chose to cry when I needed to, I chose to stand up and fight for myself when I knew I should and I chose to forget about stupid shit that wasn’t worth my time. But most importantly I chose me, because who else were these four years for?

So if you are 18, or 19 or however old you may be, I hope your choices make you happy and I hope your choices make you think about what you want. Do not let your mistakes or missed opportunities discourage you but inspire and motivate you to try again and help yourself get to where you want to be. I never thought I would be one of those people who would say that college changed their lives but it certainly did. The choices I have made here have allowed me to cross paths with some of the most amazing people and opportunities and for that I am so beyond blessed and grateful.

My mistakes and triumphs have taught me more than I could have ever wished for these last four years and because of that, I am graduating Binghamton University happy, thankful and looking forward to my life and successes ahead of me.

Samantha Webb is a senior majoring in art and design.