
As we enter the last couple weeks of school, a lot of things come to an end. We experience our last papers, our last tests, our last classes and our last couple days in Binghamton until the summer. For some of us, these are our last days in Binghamton, ever.

As such, some of us are feeling the pressure. For most, it’s to end the year on a high note and do well in the last couple classes, but for others, the pressure is very different.

Some people see this as their last hurrah for a long time, and want to make it count for everything good Binghamton has to offer. On occasion, this works out pretty well and people do just as they intend, but for others, knowing it’ll be awhile before they experience this kind of fun again can lead them to do some pretty stupid things.

Some people blow off their work and skip classes, others spend days in a drug-induced haze and still others become obsessed with the things, or the people, they haven’t done during their college career.

In these cases, reality gives you a cold slap that could jar you to your senses. Skipping work doesn’t mean it goes away or becomes any less important. Smoking or drinking to your heart’s content isn’t going to slow down time, and it certainly won’t help your bank account. And trying to have as much fun as possible with as many people as possible is draining and distracting.

All people really need to remember is that they aren’t alone. Everyone around them has felt, is feeling or will feel the same exact way.

Being lost and feeling like there is so much left to experience doesn’t mean that you missed out or there’s something wrong with you. It means you’re human. It also doesn’t make the experiences you’ve had any less amazing.

I have practically no doubt that everyone has at least one hilarious college story about that one time they or their friends did something humiliating and woke up the next morning laughing about it, and no doubt that over the course of the last year we’ve all grown in some way to become more like the people we will be later in life.

So, what is there to regret? What is there left to do? Everyone has a life to live outside of these college classes, and we have that to look forward to now. There’s still time left for all of us to experience life.

Hey, all of my sex rules still apply when we go home for the summer, so until next year, you still have a pretty good idea of who you should be doing and how you should be doing them. If you need a quick crash course, however, remember the following: Don’t do anyone you’re uncomfortable with; please, oh dear God, keep using condoms; you just might not be a sexual match with someone, so don’t try to force anything; and, as always, be proud of yourself and be proud of your actions.

Stay safe and have a happy summer!