Samantha Webb/Design Manager Candidates

The Student Association (SA) Executive Board is collectively responsible for all actions of the multi-million dollar organization. The positions available are president, executive vice president (EVP), vice president for finance (VPF), vice president for academic affairs (VPAA), vice president for multicultural affairs (VPMA) and vice president for programming (VPP). The candidates for VPAA and VPP are currently running unopposed on the ballot. Elections will be held on Friday, March 11.


The SA President represents the Binghamton University undergraduate student body to faculty, staff and the administration. They act as CEO of Off Campus College Transport (OCCT) and sit on the Harpur’s Ferry board of directors. Additionally, the president signs any agreement or contract relating to SA finances if the VPF is unable to do so.

Nicholas Ferrara, a junior majoring in political science

Ferrara is a member of the SUNY Student Assembly, SA Congress, the BU Student Conduct Board and an author of policy resolutions in both the SA and SUNY SA. If elected, he says he would focus on increasing the organization’s transparency. According to his platform, he also plans to digitize the SA by reworking the website and simplifying the handbook. Ferrara says he would work with all students and be receptive to feedback, since according to him, the president’s job is to unite the undergraduate population.

Ruslan Klafehn, a sophomore majoring in political science

Klafehn is the current VPMA and the publicity director for the BU College Democrats. If elected, Klafehn says he wants to increase communication between the SA and the student body. According to his platform, he would address off-campus safety by creating a Downtown Binghamton safe-ride program for students and opening an SA-operated student space Downtown. He also says he plans to build relationships between Greek Life and the SA and expand Harpur’s Ferry’s on-campus space.

Adina Matos, a junior double-majoring in political science and sociology

Matos is an SA representative for Off Campus Council, a member of the Planning, Research and Elections committee (PRE) and a member of the Student Code of Conduct Board and the Speech and Debate Team. If elected, Matos says she wants to increase SA accountability and transparency. She says she would expand the “It’s On Us” campaign, increase blue lights on campus and publicize the current safe-ride program while also creating one off-campus. Matos also says she plans to increase storage for OCCT buses and introduce a service delay alert system.

Executive Vice President

The SA Executive Vice President (EVP) coordinates and supports the almost 300 student groups on campus. They assist with student group logistics beginning with the chartering process and then ranging from planning and recruitment to mediation and fundraising. Finally, the EVP fills the position of president if the current president is absent or otherwise unable to perform their duties.

Raaga Rajagopala, a sophomore double-majoring in economics and French

Rajagopala is an assistant to the VPMA, a College-in-the-Woods Student Congress representative and vice-chair of the Intercultural Awareness Committee (ICA). She says she would better utilize SA-Line for communication and move the intent-to-charter process online. She also plans to implement the “It’s On Us” campaign and bring a rape crisis center to campus. Rajagopala also says she will invest in marketing for Food Co-Op and Art Co-Op expansion and increase Town Hall forums to address student concerns.

Justin Santabarbara, a junior majoring in political science

Santabarbara has been the SA Judicial Board chair and the associate director of the SA Sexual Assault Task Force. He says that if elected, he will foster transparency and SA sustainability. Santabarbara’s platform incorporates plans for an SA Downtown student-only facility, a reimbursement program for club volunteering costs and advising for clubs with budgeting concerns. He also says he intends to improve relationships between the SA and Greek Life as well as between the SA and the BU administration.

Vice President for Finance

The SA Vice President for Finance (VPF) oversees the SA’s financial and legal affairs. The VPF keeps an account of all SA transactions, oversees the Financial Committee (FinCo) budget allocation process, signs contracts on behalf of chartered student groups and nominates the SA treasurer. The VPF also assists with student group finances and acts as CFO of OCCT.

Kate Tashman, a junior double-majoring in biomedical engineering and mathematics

Tashman is the current VPF. According to her platform, her mission is to provide an open environment so that she can effectively be a resource to student groups. If elected, Tashman says she will maintain stability in the VPF office and continue to aid in Harpur’s Ferry’s expansion. After SA incorporation, Tashman says she will pursue an SA credit card and funding for an SA Downtown space.

Serena Tesler, a junior double-majoring in biology and philosophy, politics and law

Tesler has been the Hinman College representative for FinCo for the past two years. If elected, she says she will cut spending waste. She says she plans to reallocate funding, one way being to award intramural and club sports teams for winning games. Her platform also included intentions to reimburse students for taxi fare spent traveling to doctors appointments and increase bus service to medical facilities off-campus.

Vice President for Academic Affairs

The SA Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) addresses the undergraduate students’ academic concerns and is the intermediary between the students and the administration on these issues. They coordinate the Student Advocates Program and either serve as or appoint the Harpur College Council chair of student delegation.

Adam Wilkes, a sophomore double-majoring in economics and philosophy, politics and law

Wilkes is an assistant to the current VPAA and a College-in-the-Woods Student Congress representative. If elected, he says he will continue many of the office’s current initiatives, such as a political science minor, and turn them into sustainable programs. Wilkes also says he intends to connect students with administrators to create a dialogue fostering campus change. According to his platform, Wilkes is running to represent the students and foster critical thinking.

Vice President for Multicultural Affairs

The SA Vice President for Multicultural Affairs (VPMA) is responsible for developing a diverse and inclusive BU community. They chair the ICA, serve on the Education Opportunity Program (EOP) and Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) advisory committees. The VPMA also ensures that the SA follows its constitutional non-discrimination guidelines.

Jermel McClure, Jr., a sophomore majoring in political science

McClure is on the Dickinson Constitutional and Judicial Committee and the Thurgood Marshall Pre-law Society public relations chair. According to his platform, he plans to build strong relationships between the VPMA and multicultural organizations, as well as foster a more inclusive campus community. If elected, McClure says he will create a multicultural publication, institute a community service opportunity calendar and increase networking between multicultural organizations nationwide.

Vice President for Programming

The SA Vice President for Programming (VPP) is the chair of the Student Association Programming Board (SAPB), which is responsible for campus-wide events such as comedy shows, Frost Fest and Spring Fling. They also coordinate SA programming activities and assist chartered student organizations with large-scale program planning.

Max Maurice, a junior majoring in electrical engineering

Maurice is currently a member of the SAPB concerts, insights, variety and festivals committees. If elected, he says he plans to restructure and improve the SAPB by ensuring smooth transitions for committee leaders and dissolving the advertising chair position. He also says he will maintain the SAPB budget to keep the office sustainable, increase the SAPB’s social media presence and build relationships between student groups and the SAPB.

Write-In Candidates:

President: Steven Lazickas, a junior double-majoring in history and political science

Lazickas is a student advocate and president of Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity. If elected, he says he will create a peer mediation program for students and implement a cultural competency and diversity committee to insure SA inclusivity. According to his platform, he wants to increase diversity of students named to University committees as well. Lazickas also says that he plans to create OCCT service change text alerts and highlight the “It’s On Us” campaign.

Vice President for Multicultural Affairs: Shruti Sharma, a sophomore majoring in accounting

Sharma is the president of Dickinson Town Council and an intern for the Hindu Students Council. If elected, Sharma says she will create mandatory cultural sensitivity training for student leaders and incorporate it into orientation. According to her platform, she plans to hold semiweekly open forums for students to voice concerns and encourage collaboration between multicultural organizations. Sharma also says she would make ICA meetings mandatory for presidents of all cultural organizations.