
Relying on your intuition over others' advice shapes who you are

Most of us, confronted with problems concerning personal, social, political, health-related or moral matters, tend to rely on a pretty convenient crutch: advice. We turn to those closest to us who know...


The Supreme Court should defend abortion rights now more than ever

This Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear and rule on a Louisiana law concerning abortion access in the state. While an eerily similar law was vetoed in Texas in 2016,...


The militarization of police will never solve community problems

Given the recent trend of militarizing police forces, Tina Moore and Sarah Ryley of the Daily News write that, “If the zombie apocalypse ever comes to New York, towns big and small...


Chanel Miller reminds us that rape is never the victim's fault

We all, unfortunately, remember Brock Turner and the infamous 2016 case in which he sexually assaulted an unconscious woman. The victim was known only as “Emily Doe” until recently, when she revealed...


Can hookup culture be more harmful than beneficial?

Early in the morning, as I walked back to my dorm in the clothes I wore last night, the phrase “I don’t feel that great about myself” traveled around in my head...


Addressing systematic racism goes beyond an individual's actions

Last week, a friend of mine who works at one of the call centers on Binghamton University’s campus told me an upsetting story. Her job is to contact alumni and financial supporters...


Prison reform doesn't always result in more humane incarceration

Recently, the political fight against the expansion of the United States’ prison system has, to an extent, become a bipartisan issue. While liberals have emphasized the social injustices inherent to the U.S....


Could state-funded public education incentivize a better college experience?

Applying to a college means many things: checking the beauty of the campus, the safety of the area and the quality of dorms and classes. But what worries students more than anything...


It is not entirely up to regular people to save the environment

It’s 2019 and environmental issues are at the forefront of public concern. Polar ice caps are melting, animals are going extinct and air pollution is at an all-time high. As a way...


Working your way through college isn't possible anymore

The bygone era of our parents’ higher-educational endeavors is over, but unforgotten. Today, the idea that someone working 40-hour weeks throughout college can both pay their tuition and comfortably live on their...