Guest Author

7 Articles


Congress should repeal the Affordable Care Act

In March of 2010, former President Barack Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act — the U.S. government’s most significant piece of health care legislation since the 1960s....

Guest Columns

Denouncing white supremacy

In the latest issue of the Binghamton Review, there is an article written by an anonymous author titled “Is White Genocide Real?” to which the author answers vaguely: sort of. The author...

Guest Columns

When is violence acceptable?

Pipe Dream published an opinions column on Sept. 7 by Aaron Bondar titled “Denouncing political violence.” Bondar’s argument can be summarized by this sentence: “Political violence is not only morally wrong, but...

Guest Columns

Waiting for Trump's transformation

Throughout his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump was marketed as a political outsider who could really shake things up in Washington, D.C. He was the one candidate who “spoke his mind,” even...

Guest Columns

When dissent is not enough

I suppose the recent trend of center to center-right leaning voters speaking out against President Donald Trump and regretting their vote for him is fine for now. Many liberals, particularly on social...


Nationalism isn't patriotism

It’s a strange time for the American patriot: politics have become so polarized that they have left little middle ground between those who worship our flag and those who cannot stand it....


Letter to the editor: Thoughts on campus parking

One of the more common complaints you’ll hear around campus is how horrendous parking is. Despite mega-lots like lot M, there are still significant issues with parking, and congestion coming into campus...

Guest Columns

Admitting to a change of heart

“You’re a white, racist piece of shit.” I was both perplexed and infuriated when I realized someone was yelling that sentence to me as I wore a “Make America Great Again” hat....

Guest Columns

Why was there the Civil War?

President Donald Trump recently pondered the history of our nation in an interview with the Washington Examiner. He wondered, “Why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been...

Guest Columns

Letter to the editor: How we make our students safer

Like all my fellow students, I find off-campus safety to be a big deal. We want to reside in and interact with the community without fear, and that should be encouraged. So...