MONDAY, April 30, 9:00 p.m. ‘ A 21-year-old female student refused to clean up vomit in a bathroom in Hillside Community’s Darien House when Residential Life staff told her to do so, said Investigator Dennis P. Bush of Binghamton’s New York State University Police. ‘Well, we did it,’ she told a resident assistant, admitting to causing the mess. Eventually, after the exchange, she cleaned it up. Police made no arrests.

TUESDAY, May 1, 6:39 a.m. ‘ A night supervisor attendant reported that someone had bent the elevator buttons on the ground floor of Hinman Dining Hall, Investigator Bush said. The call button was still operational, but the up button didn’t seem to function. Police have no suspects.

WEDNESDAY, May 2, 1:32 a.m. ‘ Two 19-year-old male students admitted to campus police that they had been playing beer pong after officers responded to a loud music complaint in College-in-the-Woods’ Mohawk Hall, Investigator Bush said. The students ‘ both intoxicated ‘ let the police into the room. The music was turned down and the remainder of beer was poured down the drain. Police referred the students to the campus judicial system.

‘Robert Hadad-Zlokower