This past weekend I attended many Halloween parties. If anyone is curious, I dressed as a mime and didn’t allow myself to speak. By doing this, I found myself to be very perceptive of my surroundings and have come to a conclusive and undeniable fact about Halloween in college: it’s about getting laid.

I take it this doesn’t really surprise anyone that much, as going to parties and heading Downtown are usually to fulfill this exact purpose, yet I couldn’t help but wonder if this past Halloween weekend has, in fact, been the most sexually charged and sluttiest one yet.

Just as fashion changes from year to year, so do trends in costumes. These trends, granted, are also based on age. For instance, early in life it was “cool” to dress up as a pumpkin or a clown; in middle school something a little more rebellious, like a hippie or garbage, was the general style. If you’re over 18 and a girl, it is common place to dress like a slutty anything — a slutty witch, a slutty animal, a slutty fire hydrant … you get the idea.

In fact, at one party I saw a girl in her underwear. That’s right, a black lace bra and underwear with high-heeled shoes. Ironically, I couldn’t help but look at her with a little respect. Instead of accenting her underwear with cat or bunny ears and a tale, she simply cut to the chase. I found her “I want to have sex” outfit to be blunt, bold and honest.

Silently watching the sex and flirtation in the atmosphere, I realized that everyone seemed to be far more outgoing and carefree under their costumes. Guys were going up to sexy girls and hugging and laughing with them. It seemed to work better than alcohol ever has, and it made me happy to see sex just out there in the open.

At one point, while cruising around the twists and turns of the “mansion on Front Street,” I saw my friends — a Girl Scout and a bee — playing beer pong with Jack Sparrow and the Tin Man. They were having a great time, and in the reigning spirit of bluntness, they went home with them that night — something they never would have done without the protection of their delectably cute costumes.

Instead of what I thought would be an awkward morning after, they actually went to breakfast the next morning and have plans to meet up again sans costumes for dinner sometime.

Halloween allowed my friends and many others this weekend to take themselves a little less seriously and just have fun. Girls that wanted some action put it out there and guys got the message and grew enough balls to talk to them, and if they were lucky, got to take them home. What a wonderful holiday.