After four years and five movies, it’s finally come to this. The “Twilight” saga is over. While “Breaking Dawn — Part 2” left some fans with the peace of mind that (spoiler alert) Bella and Edward will be together forever, it left other fans lost and wanting more.

To all of the lonely souls and “Twilight” fans: whose relationship do you now live through vicariously? Where will you go now to feed your newfound obsession with star-crossed romantic vampire lovers? How dare Stephenie Meyer just leave you hanging like that.

If it is too soon to part from Bella and Edward, there is always the option to replay the “Twilight” saga from start to finish or drown yourself in an ocean of fan fiction. But if there’s one thing “Twilight” detractors can credit the series with, it’s opening the doors of the underrated world of monsters and making werewolves and vampires sexy. With the new year just around the corner, do yourself a favor and check out the plethora of new vampire entertainment that has emerged in film and TV in the wake of “Twilight’s” popularity and the array of vampire entertainment that has been around even before “Twilight.”

1. “The Vampire Diaries”

This show is everything that “Twilight” should have been. Instead of the tacky three-way romance between Edward, Jacob and Bella, “The Vampire Diaries” gives the term “love triangle” a whole new meaning. This show includes vampires, witches, werewolves and doppelgangers while following the romantic struggles of high school student Elena Gilbert as she finds herself caught in the middle of vampire brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore.

2. “True Blood”

Missing the hot and steamy love scenes from Twilight? Well, prepare yourself for some “True Blood.” This show includes vampires, werewolves, fairies and pretty much every other mythical creature you can think of. And to top it off, three words: vampire sex scenes. Enough said.

3. “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”

Who doesn’t love a good throwback? This show follows the forbidden love story between a human and vampire. Sound familiar? Creator Joss Whedon is now more famous for having directed “The Avengers,” but prior to that movie he was known for this late 90s and early 2000s TV hit. The writing is great, and who doesn’t love Sarah Michelle Gellar?

4. “Interview with the Vampire”

Based on the 1976 Anne Rice novel of the same name that started a vampire craze of its own, “Interview with the Vampire” is perfect for the tortured souls out there. The movie involves a little more horror and thrill than the mentioned shows but it’s definitely still worth the watch. It also has a pretty impressive cast — Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Antonio Banderas all play vampires in the film.

5. “Teen Wolf”

MTV has never really been known to make quality shows, but if you’re a Twi-hard and Team Jacob, you might enjoy “Teen Wolf.” Although this show doesn’t include vampires, it focuses mainly on the romantic aspects between a teen werewolf and a human.