Intrigued by thriller dramas and suspense, Dickinson Community Players (DCP) are performing “And Then There Were None” for their first play of the semester.
Based on Agatha Christie’s 1939 eponymous novel, this semester’s play put on by the student-run group is a thriller-drama centered around various figures that all embark on a voyage to an island. Believing they are there for a myriad of reasons like a vacation or for work purposes, suspense and conflict unfold as the characters discover the mysteries behind their journey.
With this show, the directors hope to encompass the spirit of DCP.
“This play seemed very DCP, especially because we enjoy doing spooky shows and we also always love to inject humor where you don’t usually find it,” said Mikayla Guida, one of the co-directors of this year’s show and a senior majoring in English.
“And Then There Were None” has been a joy for the cast members to manufacture this semester, as they have been working three times a week since September.
Chloe Niemann, an undeclared freshman, plays Emily Brent, a religious passenger. As this is her first college performance, Niemann has been learning the differences in production in a college setting as opposed to high school.
“It’s been a ton of fun going through production for the show,” Niemann said. “I’ve been learning to get accustomed to student directors as opposed to high school, where we worked with professional directors.”
That said, putting on the production for the show has not been without its struggles. The cast has had to juggle its scheduling and commit to a time everyone was available to rehearse together at the same time. The group operates with a small budget, as well as a smaller cast one might not normally see at a Binghamton University theatre department Mainstage production.
“Really the only conflict has been getting everyone on the same page, as everyone isn’t a theatre major, but everyone has a passion for the show so it sort of mitigates any issues,” Guida said.
Despite any setbacks, the cast has been working together to produce a polished show. According to Niemann, each member, regardless of the importance of their role, is a key contributor to the final product.
“Every person brings something to the show, as the show is only as strong as its weakest link,” Niemann said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a small role or the main character — you still have a big impact on the show. I’ve seen actors who totally steal the show despite playing a small role because of what they bring to the show.”
With a small operation, DCP manages to produce two shows per semester. Last year, the organization produced its 13th annual “Vagina Monologues,” an anthological play on feminism and women sharing their sexual experiences. The funds for the “Vagina Monologues” also went toward a local shelter for victims of child abuse. Its spring lineup featured “The Great Gatsby,” based on the classic novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
The show is being performed Nov. 2 at 8 p.m., Nov. 3 at 2 p.m. and at 8 p.m in the Multipurpose Room in the Chenango Champlain Collegiate Center.