A study performed by Netflix in February 2014 determined that a large majority of binge-watchers define binge-watching as watching two to three episodes of the same TV show in one sitting. However, us true binge-watchers know that two to three episodes in one sitting is the work of amateurs. If you are a serious binge-watcher, you crank out a good season or two at once. If you’ve ever partaken in the act of binge-watching, you’ll know that there is prep work involved in order to make your viewing experience as enjoyable and as lazy as possible. Here are a few tips to augment your binging experience:

For the beginners:

Red Bull (or anything with caffeine) — This shit will keep you up and attentive so that you can make it through a season (or more).

Cheddar Chex Mix — There’s no reason that your snacks have to include Cheddar Chex Mix, but it’s a personal favorite — better than crack.

Candy — Really, any type of candy is great for binge-watching — anything to fix your sugar cravings as you make it through each episode.

Tissues — Self-explanatory. You can cry into them when you’re sobbing tears of happiness or sadness at your favorite character’s death (cough, cough, “Game of Thrones”).

Blanket — What’s better than cozying up behind your screen and viewing episode after episode? Literally nothing. So make sure you get a blanket.

Friends — This only works if you have friends. If you don’t, well … move on to the next category. If you do, a friend at your side can help you make it through the emotional roller coaster of “Friday Night Lights;” even keep you sane. Venting and bitching to each other can be quite cathartic.

For the intermediate:

Stress ball — You know you’re going to get stressed, so instead of yelling at your friend (again, that’s only if you have one) squeeze a stress ball. It’s healthier.

Dry shampoo — After 10, 50-minute episodes, you aren’t going to want to exert any energy to shower. As gross as it sounds, trust me, it’s true. Dry shampoo is the perfect cure for greasy hair — plus, you can do it while you watch!

Deodorant — You’re going to smell. You seriously will. Do us all a favor and refresh your pits.

Pillow fort — There’s no reason — it’s just fun! Why not relive your childhood and build a nice pillow fort while you watch your favorite show?

Power strip — This is quite the handy invention. You can charge your computer, phone and whatever other electronics you need while you watch. So useful, especially if you’re there for a while.

Social media — With all of the social media apps we have today, there are an ample amount of places where you can rant about the latest plot twist. This, too, can be quite cathartic. Just please don’t spoil anything.

For the professionals:

That “grabber arm” — When laziness has hit you in full force and you can’t escape its grasp, turn to the “grabber arm.” Used to grab objects within 10 feet, the grabber device, or reacher, or whatever the hell it’s called, is the perfect invention for the hardcore binge-watcher.

Adult diapers/a catheter — Speaking from experience, both the adult diaper and the catheter are the perfect sidekick for any devout binge-watcher. Nothing’s better than being able to poop in your bed while you watch the latest season of “House of Cards.”

For when your show is over:

Alcohol — Studies show that this is truly the only thing to turn to when you’ve finished binge-watching your show. The depression and withdrawal that results from the realization that you have to go back to your miserable, uneventful life is traumatic. Wash down your sorrows with a bottle of Jack Daniels, and you’ll be good to go.