Erica Juarez is a sophomore majoring in human development.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself — any clubs, hobbies or major plans for the future?

“I am currently in my third semester as publicity for the BU Japanese Association (BUJA), and this semester I am a programming intern with the concentration of [Student Association (SA) organization] inclusion and relations under current [vice president for multicultural affairs (VPMA)], Mary Hu … In the future, I hope to travel with friends and learn more languages! I can speak Spanish and have studied Mandarin and Japanese. Next up, I’m thinking about Thai. During spare time, I love working on poetry collections, playing cards and chilling with friends at the underground. A night out or in with them is what I cherish the most.”

2. What is your platform?

“The three pillars of my platform are grounded on: 1. Communication, to create stronger outreach, collaboration and mutual support throughout cultural organizations, 2. Organization, to uphold events that commemorate and bring us together and 3. Belonging, to provide further opportunities to unapologetically solidify our space on campus as a cultural body.”

3. Why did you decide to run for an SA E-Board position?

“As a general body member for various cultural organizations, I have witnessed the hardworking energy that student leaders have dedicated to their organization. Seeing how much they devote and care has reassured me that this is a space on campus that I would love to immerse more in. A major goal I strive to achieve is the active engagement between and across cultural organizations, to take the time and create new opportunities to recognize the several areas we relate to and can learn from each other.”

4. Why should students vote for you?

“I believe that I have demonstrated my truth to values of admiration and curiosity to the cultures that students have brought to Binghamton University, and together, we can uplift that energy.”