Response to the misleading Sodexo Letter from Carty McMullen:

As the Labor Relations Representative for the Sodexo employees on campus, I feel the need to respond to the inaccuracies and half-truths contained in the letter that was published in the February 16 edition of the Pipe Dream.

In the first paragraph, Ms. McMullen speaks about the 30 year relationship Sodexo/Marriott has had with the University and goes on to state that they wish to continue their successful relationship through the new contract signed with Binghamton University this past June. If I was in her position, I too would be “honored” to continue this relationship. In fact, I can think of 350 million reasons to be “honored.”

The letter goes on to boast about Sodexo’s contributions to the campus and community, specifically “our notable work in fighting hunger.” What is not mentioned is the fact that many of our current employees qualify for the programs that are sponsored by Sodexo as a result of their low wages. Ms. McMullen further states that they provide a full benefit package “which includes medical, dental and vision insurance.” What is not disclosed is that the employees pay 100% of the premium for dental supplied by the company as well as a significant amount of their weekly check towards health insurance. Having represented food service workers on many campuses employed by Sodexo, Chartwells and Aramark, it is quite common for an employer to provide benefit packages in this industry, contrary to what is portrayed in the company’s letter.

Ms. McMullen further asserts that UPSEU Local 1222 was elected by a one-vote majority. This is factually incorrect. In May of 2015, the National Labor Relations Board conducted an election, in which UPSEU defeated their opponent by a tally of 124 to 85. Due to an error on the part of the NLRB in the posting of the election, a second election was held in September in which UPSEU again won by a significant margin. The letter also states that Sodexo “took no steps to influence or interfere with the process.” It is interesting to note that Federal Labor Law prohibits Sodexo from interfering or influencing an election.

The issue at hand is one of fairness and common decency. The events that have led us to this point are outlined in my initial letter published on February 12. The fact of the matter is that Sodexo had offers on the table in December that were close to what the union was trying to achieve for their members. By January, they had cancelled two bargaining sessions, withdrew all proposals and promptly offered no economic increases of any kind while proposing to discontinue a retirement benefit that had been enjoyed by our members for over 10 years. The union will continue to negotiate in good faith as we have from beginning. We are hopeful that Sodexo will also bargain in good faith and treat our hardworking members with the respect that they deserve.

Paul Iachetta Bryan Staul

Labor Relations Representative Labor Relations Representative