Editor’s note: This a response to a letter to the editor from Joe Tennenbaum published before break.

Mr. Tennenbaum,

For sake of your political comrades, I recommend you avoid signing your name to such silly accusations in the future. There is nothing more detrimental to the integrity of a political position, than concluding an article with a conspiratorial claim, constructed on an inductive fallacy, littered with emotive diction. At best, such an argument may sway a few low information voters.

It is true over the years several students have been involved with both the Binghamton Review and the Student Association. It is also true that conservative supportive third party organizations solicit us, to take advantage of their services. It is even true that some of our staff has taken advantage of these opportunities in the past.

Having jumped to the conclusion of a “shady” conspiracy, ques me to think you have been afflicted by a severe case of the confirmation bias and have done little research on our organization. When I first became involved with the BR about a year ago, I interpreted these facts a little differently.

It proved to me, the Review staff is comprised of exceptionally ambitious students. Who not only spend their extracurricular time complaining about politics in their articles, but also get involved with campus affairs in order to make a difference. Whereas liberalism is a political ideology, conservativism is a methodology based on principles. One of the principles most highly valued is integrity. Having become friends with Adam Shamah, Aaron Ricks and Mark Soriano, I can confidently say that these students are men of integrity. They believe in what they say and their deeds always follow their words.

To link third party influence with “installment,” is simply insulting to the free will and intellectual capacity of those accused. Considering their exceptional scholarship, I would bet each of them had a political opinion before they were enrolled in Binghamton University. Furthermore, to credit their successes to the work of these third parties, depreciates the value of their work. It was the integrity and ambition of the accused that built their resumes, not some ubiquitous conservative vendetta.

If you would be so kind as to read a few of our articles before imprudently making judgment, you will find that our staff is comprised of a wonderful diversity of opinion. Including Ryandian libertarians, a few pro-life Catholics and even a liberal-democrat.

Also, I’m sure if you took a poll of all students on campus you would find that conservatives represent a small minority of opinion. So, even if we had the money to hire Jim Messina to personally train our staff for SA usurpation, the electorate would still likely be averse.

What does any of this have to do with their qualifications for SA positions anyway?

Special thanks to Quintin Maidment.

Jacob L. Hayutin
Binghamton Review