Last week, planet Earth was rocked by Hurricane Sandy, and not in the theatrical “You’re-the-one-that-I-want” sort of way, either. According to the L.A. Times, the storm, often referred to as Frankenstorm, claimed over 100 lives worldwide.

Countless others lost electricity and, more disturbingly, their belongings and homes. Reactions to the disaster varied. Some were scared. Some were heartbroken. Some were distraught. And some were disappointed. Yes, disappointed.

The countless whiny, Sandy-related Facebook statuses that were regurgitated from the more self-absorbed people of our nation were absolutely astounding. It quickly became obvious that either there is a severe lack of sensitivity in this country or many were simply unaware of the realities of the situation. For those of you who needed or still need a reality check pertaining to the recent, or any upcoming storm, this article is for you.

1) The biggest tragedy resulting from a hurricane doesn’t relate to how many days you get off school.

Wahhh. Okay, so you didn’t finish your homework and Binghamton University didn’t cancel classes. So now, you actually have to do your homework. If this was your biggest ailment during or after the storm, COUNT YOUR LUCKY STARS. You got a day off school and didn’t die. Stop complaining; your life could be much harder.

2) It is a good thing if you aren’t severely affected by the storm.

So go over this again. You barely got any rain during a storm that devastated thousands of others and you’re disappointed? WHAT IS WRONG EVERYBODY? The people complaining that the storm wasn’t exciting enough for them are the same dimwits that would be complaining if their houses or cars got ruined in the storm. Build a bridge and get over it, or at least think of those who can’t build a bridge BECAUSE THEIR TOOLS WERE SWEPT AWAY DURING A DEVASTATING HURRICANE.

3) Parade Day, Bar Crawl, National Disaster?

As a general rule, national disasters are not a reason to celebrate. What exactly are you celebrating? Is it the fact that geriatrics all along the East Coast are being forced to evacuate their childhood homes? Or are you celebrating because your head is so filled with mirror pictures of yourself that you can remain unaffected by the fact that PEOPLE ARE DYING?

Actual human lives are being lost and you’re getting wasted? What? Tuesdays through Saturdays aren’t enough for you? Fine, some people drink when there is nothing else going on. This is understandable. But don’t brag about it over social networking sites. You’re just advertising the fact that you’re a complete moron.

4) Help

Last year, when Hurricane Irene affected many in this area, some students took the time to help local residents. In times of need we, as members of a global community, are responsible for helping others. If you are able to go downstate and help with disaster relief, do it. Nothing else would be more rewarding for you or the victims.

If you can’t donate your time, try donating clothes or money. Every little bit helps. The American Red Cross has been working tirelessly to help those in need. Go to to find out what you can do to make a difference.