In anticipation of International Women’s Day, Women in Business highlighted the best companies for female workers to join and discussed the various inspirational women throughout their lives.

About 60 people attended the event on Thursday to examine the most women-friendly businesses. The list includes KPMG, Dell, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and IBM.

“These companies emphasize a work-life balance and promote pregnancy leave and pay,” said Tiffany Choi, president and founder of Women in Business.

Choi, a junior majoring in management, said that gender equality in the workplace benefits the business itself.

“It creates a bigger talent pool for companies to select from,” Choi said. “Diversity actually increases a company’s income and economic wealth, because of the informed and well-rounded decisions generated from diverse thought.”

Cathleen Wang, the vice president of public relations for Women in Business, added that the accounting firm KPMG has a Women’s Advisory Board, and has been inducted into the Working Mother magazine Hall of Fame for being honored 15 years in a row as one of the 100 best companies for female employees.

Wang, a junior majoring in accounting, said that the benefits of women-friendly businesses extend beyond the individual.

“Companies who support women are supporting families as well,” Wang said.

Wang said that the event served as a reminder to women that even when times are tough, they can still accomplish their goals.

“Earlier in history, it was more difficult for women to accomplish their dreams but [they] still did regardless,” Wang said.

The club also provided markers and paper for people to draw the women who inspire them the most. Drawings included Rosie the Riveter, Beyoncé and Mother Earth, as well as personal role models.

Choi said her role model was her mother because of her dedication to her work and the support she provides.

“My mom works 60-70 hours a week as a postal worker to pay for my own and my sibling’s tuition,” Choi said. “My mom tells me to accomplish things and is always proud of me regardless of what I do.”

Wang said that inspirational figures allow women to help each other improve themselves and achieve great things.

“Women who inspire us are not just inspiring us, they’re also supporting us and creating a network between women, and that’s the exact purpose of Women in Business,” Wang said. “Supporting one another is just as important as inspiring and both are important in your career.”