Happy Endings?

THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2:15 p.m. — A 20-year-old female student reported to Binghamton’s New York State University Police that she was being harassed at her station in the East Gym Wellness Center, said Investigator Patrick Reilly. The victim saw a 20-year-old male student walking around the Wellness Center and asked him if he needed any help, after which he responded in an inappropriate manner. The suspect said he wanted to set up a massage room, and after opening one of the rooms, he grabbed the victim’s wrist. The victim told him to leave. The suspect continued to speak in an inappropriate manner, and the victim called a co-worker to help. The suspect left after the co-worker came, and the victim filed a report with University Police.

Beer pong tournament, my room

THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 7:14 p.m. — A Sodexo worker from the College-in-the-Woods Nite Owl reported to University Police that a dining hall table had been stolen, Reilly said. The table had some of the legs broken, and it had been put out so it would be picked up by the University Trash Department. The worker found the table top gone and filed a report with the University Police Department. Someone had seen several male students carrying the table away, but could give no description.

Dude, I can totally climb this

FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 6:07 p.m. — Officers on patrol were called to the Science IV/V courtyard after someone reported that people were trying to climb a light post, Reilly said. The officers found three male students in the area, who admitted they were “just trying to climb stuff.” The officers told the students that their actions were potentially harmful to themselves and those around them, and asked them to leave the area. The students complied, and there were no further complaints.

Those were some expensive faucets

SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1:50 p.m. — The University Police Department received a report from the Chenango Champlain Collegiate Center that two sinks had been broken in one of the bathrooms, Reilly said. There were no suspects, but each of the broken faucets cost $150. The case is still under investigation.