On Monday night, the Binghamton University Student Association (SA) passed its first legislation of the fall 2015 semester.

In “UP at Metroplex’s State Street Express Bus,” a resolution written by Nicholas Ferrara, a BU Student Congress representative and a junior majoring in political science, Ferrara called for the SA to vote on legislation that shows the entire SA’s support in asking University Plaza (UP) to provide a direct bus from UP to Downtown. The legislation passed unanimously with 37 votes.

“When you’re any undergraduate student going to UP, they don’t pay much attention,” Ferrara said. “But when you say, ‘I’m coming with this resolution with the support of 13,000 undergraduate students,’ it gives you a little bit more legitimacy. That’s what this resolution is trying to do.”

Although the legislation does not call directly on the SA to take action, Ferrara said it was important to communicate the SA’s disapproval for the management at UP, as well as their support for those affected.

“We’re advocating for the people we represent,” he said.

The SA also approved to vote on three separate pieces of legislation at their next meeting, including a call for the University to take action on the overpopulation of deer on campus, a request for more course reserves to be offered in the library and an appeal for a change in how retaken course grades appear on transcripts.