
Jacob Eckhaus is a junior double-majoring in accounting and business administration.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself — any clubs, hobbies or major plans for the future?

“When I’m not in class, you can usually find me in the [Student Association (SA)] office. I currently work in the vice president [for] finance (VPF)’s office as both [a general] assistant as well as the head adviser. I also take minutes for [Student] Congress and the Internal Affairs Committee. In addition to the SA, I’m very active within Hillel, where I help to plan our major events, and the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, where I spent the past year serving as treasurer. In the future, I plan to continue into the finance world, hopefully ending up at a firm in New York City.”

2. What is your platform?

“Expand the scope and scale of the adviser program by transitioning the adviser program from being oriented to helping groups prepare for [the Financial Committee] to more of a truly advisory role, allowing advisers to work with groups year-round to ensure financial success. Increase outreach, primarily through the adviser program. Increase the amount of outreach done by the VPF office to develop stronger relationships with chartered organizations and fortify communication channels. More support for chartered organizations by working with the other members of the [e-board] to provide more support for our chartered organizations across the board, specifically focusing on the financial aspects.”

3. Why did you decide to run for an SA E-Board position?

“Having been involved in both the SA itself as well as SA organizations, I have been lucky enough to see the value that the SA has on our campus from both sides. Through my work both last year on the Financial Committee of [Student] Congress in addition to my work this year in the VPF office, I believe I have a vast understanding of the intricacies of what it means to be the VPF and how I can best serve our students and our organizations.”

4. What issues will you prioritize if you are elected?

“The most pertinent issue to the [SA] currently is the gap in communication between the SA and chartered organizations. The most significant manifestation of this issue as it pertains to the VPF office is the potential mishaps arising from simple misunderstandings, which could easily be prevented with better access to the VPF office. I believe that by expanding the adviser program, most of these issues can be mitigated.”