
A persistent double-standard

The sexuality of women has persistently undergone vehement scrutiny within the United States. Throughout the history of our nation, women have been stripped of their opportunities, reputations and self-worth, and have fallen...


Media bias helped, not hurt, Trump

The only way I can rationalize the outcome of the 2016 presidential election is with the phrase, “All publicity is good publicity.” This saying is one our new President-elect Donald Trump knows...


Those who can teach, do

When I tell people that I’m an English major, I’m often met with the quip, “Where do you plan on teaching?” I’m never offended by the implication that there aren’t other jobs...


Avoiding intolerance, on both sides

“I hate this country.” This was uttered by several ardent Hillary Clinton supporters that would have been lauding their nation if the election results had been in their favor. These words are...


It's time for electoral reform

Election polls conducted on campus last week revealed that the majority of students desired a Hillary Clinton presidency. Regrettably, Tuesday’s general election concluded a tumultuous campaign season in a surprising twist of...


Millennials must act

Many people in the United States are in mourning right now. They are mourning their feeling of safety, their sense of freedom and their will to exist. Although the result of this...


Moving to Canada? It's not so easy

During an election year, it’s relatively common to hear Americans threaten to renounce their citizenship or move to Canada. However, an increasing number of U.S. citizens are already living abroad and a...


Despite challenges, we face a brighter future

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States of America. Truth be told, I didn’t expect to write that sentence. I suspect many of those living in cities, or...


We repeated history

As I sit here and watch this election, I can’t help but question how we got to this point. I think about those who fought in the civil rights movement, those who...


Opening discussion

I grew up in a home where open discussions in a forum style were the norm; my parents created an environment where my brother and I, from an early age, were welcome...