
Where #MeToo can succeed, and where it can't

The internet revolution of abuse-survivor tag #MeToo has led to a number of survivors coming forward about their histories of assault and harassment, but no high-profile allegation has affected me as much...


Voting in local elections is imperative

In 2009, a record low of 18.3 percent of eligible U.S. voters headed to the polls to cast their votes for their choice of mayor, county legislator, town supervisors, city council members,...


Understanding the humanity of homelessness

Imagine you are walking through the streets of New York City on a beautiful day. Perhaps you are in a hurry to meet a group of friends. Maybe you finally received that...


Acknowledging the rising benzodiazepine epidemic

Today, most Americans are well aware of the opioid epidemic, which continues to grow daily. This awareness comes with good reason — in 2015 alone, more than 33,000 people died due to...


Recognizing the importance of engaging in local government

For 10 months out of the year, we call the Binghamton area our home. We contribute to the local economy. We enjoy its services. We pay taxes. Yet, to many of us,...


Understanding feminism in the wake of the accusations against Harvey Weinstein

Amid the “shocking” allegations and exploits that have emerged from the recent Harvey Weinstein scandal, one response stood out above the rest. “The Big Bang Theory” star and proclaimed feminist Mayim Bialik...


Wealthy individuals must decrease their consumption

A common argument made by environmentalists is that in order to decrease environmental degradation, we must decrease consumption. While this statement is accurate, it is not specific enough. Advocating for a general...


Challenging our deeply held beliefs

It’s almost a cliche at this point to talk about how divided our country has become. Equally cliched is the subsequent, impassioned plea for something — sanity, reason, unity — anything to...


Becoming bike-friendly

Binghamton University, the Southern Tier and upstate New York as a whole are currently in the middle of a makeover. It is happening under a program called the New York Upstate Revitalization...


Graduate school fees create barriers for students

If you thought you were done with standardized testing the day you got your sweet, sweet Binghamton University acceptance letter printed on watermarked stationery and boasting President Harvey Stenger’s signature, you were...