Nicolas Scagnelli

47 Articles


Cool media improves user experience

What does it mean to be cool? What does the word cool even mean? Apparently in the 1930s the modern colloquial meaning of the word cool started. Why the hell am I...

Sex Issue 2024

Talk about sex more

Sex. Woah. I feel like I’m going to get in trouble for writing that word. I’m so used to writing about anything but sex. It feels weird to talk about. It feels...


Storytellers have responsibility to characters and readers

I’m deeply fascinated by storytelling. Think about some of your favorite fictional pieces. Whether it’s a book, a movie or even a poem — these are all facets for storytelling. When I...


Unreliable narrators improve audience experience

Narrators are essential to any artistic story. Having a person frame and tell the story to the audience is a necessity. There are some standard expectations that arise when a narrator enters...


Passage of time heightens the experience of stories

Time makes stories better. I love stories. I’ve got nothing but respect, love and admiration for great storytellers. Stories have been a staple in human culture since the beginning of time, lining...


'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' pays great homage to the character

When you’re a kid, it’s easy to like surface-level things in life, or big pictures instead of tiny, minute details. When I was younger, I loved everything Spider-Man related because it was...


Resolutions are fleeting but important

New Year’s resolutions are a popular tradition. “New year, new me” is a common phrase you’ll hear a lot during this time. Funnily enough, no one ever finishes them. How many people...


Writers should normalize killing characters off

A character was killed off in a series I love, although his character is somewhat popular in said series, they were killed somewhat recently. Their death is still felt not only in...


Holiday media is an important distraction

Unless you’re living under a rock, I don’t need to tell you that the state of the world has been a little rough lately — to say the least. I don’t plan...


Subverting audience expectations enhances storytelling

I love studying the art of writing. It’s intrigued me ever since I got into the medium in a serious way. In all the times I’ve researched the different ways that writing...