Nicole Negron


Junior English

26 Articles


Five things you need to know about girls

Girls are complicated. It’s a fact that’s practically instilled in us from birth. It’s known and accepted that there’s one week a month girls shouldn’t be bothered, a Sweet 16 is basically...


Need to kill some time? Try Stumbling with style

After about a week of home-cooked meals, old friends and Jets games (alright, maybe I don’t get as tired of the Jets games) I’ve had enough. The countdown to school couldn’t go...


A new site for secrets, six billion to be precise

If someone asked you to spill your biggest secret, could you do it? What if you were guaranteed anonymity? Everyone would be able to see it, but no one would ever know...


We're always told what not to do; why are the 'nots' the most fun?

Since birth, adults have given us rules that must be abided by ‘ be home by a certain time, don’t cut class, chew with your mouth closed, etc. Even as adults, we...


College will teach you lessons, but here's a few ahead of time

Whether you live around the corner or 1,000 miles away, the first drive up to school as a freshman seems endless. Anxiety sets in as soon as the Binghamton University sign comes...


When DT, consider the next day

Spotted: Nineteen-year-old sophomore exiting Delaware Hall, stilettos in hand, in what you could swear is the same outfit she wore to JT’s last night. As you approach her, you’re faced with two...


Growing up is unavoidable; Enjoy college while you can

As the semester comes to a close, there’s a bit more to think about than which flip-flops match which sundress. We’re that much closer to leaving Binghamton, a bittersweet thought of an...


Guilty pleasures: the fun is in the sin

Everyone has guilty pleasures. Whether it’s constantly playing Brick Breaker on your Blackberry, late night trips to the Night Owl or going home with that guy you would have never spoken to...


Today’s BFF may be tomorrow’s stranger

Welcome to Binghamton University. In this prestigious institution of academic excellence, students are exposed to a variety of classes, majors, extra-curriculars and friends that will last a lifetime. Or maybe just a...


Chocolate tastes just as good alone

Valentine’s Day — the one day a year PDA is somewhat acceptable, heart-shaped boxes symbolize true love and no one wants to be alone. Or do they? Many college students, especially underclassmen,...