Last week, as I was walking through our Nature Preserve, I noticed something new that caught my attention. Maybe because I usually run back there, I neglected to see the signs that read ‘Fallen Hollow Gun Club ‘ DANGER KEEP OUT!’

At first I mistook them for posted signs, but then I realized I was incorrect. Posted signs are clear warnings not to trespass, and are in plain sight. The gun club signs were definitely drawing attention to themselves, but they were placed at least 15 feet up in trees.

They’re visible, if you’re looking halfway up the trunk. Apparently, the gun club property runs all along the top of ridge trail, as I surmised from craning my neck up to see the Binghamton Nature Preserve’s boundary.

But do students know that our Nature Preserve is adjacent to a gun club? From what I hear, bullets don’t pay attention to property lines.

As someone who grew up spending time in the Adirondacks, I’ve heard my share of hunting horror stories. I’ve listened to tales of individuals accidentally killed and maimed while they were hiking on state land.

While these stories shouldn’t put off potential hikers, they should definitely remain tucked in the back of their minds. Even though it seems unlikely that any of these stories will be reproduced in the Nature Preserve, stranger ‘ and unluckier ‘ things have happened.

When I asked people around campus, none of them were aware that hunters frequent a location that is literally right next to where many students leisurely hang out. I’ve seen hunters on the surrounding lands on ATVs, sporting some very flashy orange vests. We shouldn’t expect anything else, being in Central New York so close to the Pennsylvania border.

So what is the solution? It should be discussed on campus, and there should be a notification at the entrance of the Nature Preserve alerting people of the dangers posed by hunting season. Along with the tick warnings should be a large sign that warns about hunting seasons, just as a precaution.

Before heading out to the Nature Preserve, students should be encouraged to wear brighter colors, because being visible is probably the best safety precaution.

Secondly, while the gun club has signs facing our direction, albeit a little high up, the Nature Preserve should perhaps put up signs facing toward the gun club. These signs would work well, by alerting any area sharp shooters that they are venturing into an area that is full of hiking students.

Obviously students aren’t in imminent danger, but all the same, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure that no accidents ever result from a deer hunter’s bullet.

And considering the deer that we have around here, it would be a shame for someone to get hurt by a bullet intended for an animal you could have probably walked right up to and clubbed.