If you dream of the bright lights, the billboards and the fame, a career in entertainment might be right for you. But with graduation right around the corner, are you confused on how to make it in the big, bad world of entertainment? Don’t think you have what it takes to be Binghamton University’s next Billy Baldwin? Besides all of our expert alumni advice, the Career Development Center had some additional tips.

Before anything else, it’s important to realize breaking into this industry requires a lot of dedication and time. It’s up to you to be active and involved in the process. Holly Horn, the assistant director for career development at the CDC, was adamant in stressing the importance of being assertive.

“If you just sit back and wait for something to happen, nothing is going to happen,” Horn said. “This is not a field where employers recruit people, so it’s vital to get active and start networking.”

Horn said the No. 1 thing to do is network. Starting with the Alumni Career Network and working from there is a good idea, she suggested. Just one conversation or interview has the power to form bonds that could potentially help a student in the future.

“Networking is critical to make it in this field,” she said “You need to know people that can help you get your foot in the door.”

There are also things you can do right here at Binghamton University; get involved with a club or organization.

“Depending on the area you’re looking to get into, there are activities on campus you can participate in to give you experience,” she said. “These range anywhere from the theater department, to WHRW — Binghamton’s radio station — to BTV.”

The last step you can take to help break into the industry are internships. They are also extremely important for experience and relationship forming.

“Even working in the mail room is something. You should always be looking for opportunities to help advance yourself and meet people,” Horn said.

Horn also made it a point to say that an internship doesn’t have to labeled an internship but could in fact just be a summer job. It’s important to keep a look out for anything and everything that could be beneficial.