Every year, we take a day to remember the things that we’re thankful for: family, friends, the fact that you didn’t have to get your stomach pumped this semester. But sometimes, it’s nice to remember all of the things about college life that we try to forget. Being the apathetic young adults we are, let’s take a moment to recall nine things we’re not so thankful for.

1. Drunken regrets — It’s not the number of mixed drinks, that tumble down the stairs at Zeta Psi or the toilet hugging that really gets us down. It’s the embarrassing texts, the drunken promises (we HAVE to hang out more!) and the less-than-discreet Downtown urination that haunt us long after the weekend is over. It’s these mistakes that we could do without.

2. Long winter breaks — Winter break is great. No classes, home-cooked meals and what seems like an eternity to sleep. But by the fifth week of winter break, the charm of sleeping in your cozy childhood bed wears off, and the hours you’ve spent wasting away on BuzzFeed have you converting all of your thoughts into cutesy, scrollable lists. Would the “Top 10 Reasons I Don’t Want to Watch Storage Wars with my Dad” get a lot of hits online? If you’re asking this question, it’s time to go back to school. Soon enough you’ll be begging to be back in the dorm bathroom with that weird girl who always leaves her underwear in the bathroom — it beats your mom asking you about your love life while you’re trying to drop a deuce.

3. Lack of outlets in Glenn G. Bartle Library — If you think the most difficult thing to do in Bartle is find a good place to sit, you’d be mistaken. Finding an empty and accessible outlet is like enjoying a Sodexo meal: not impossible, but rare. And let’s be honest, you’re going to need to charge your computer when you finally start your paper after two hours of reading Binghamton Crushes. Your friends probably just forgot to tag you!

4. The lines at Jazzman’s and Einstein Bros. Bagels — Waiting for a coffee at Jazzman’s or a bagel at Einstein’s for over 20 minutes isn’t anything surprising these days. With the University Union Food Court still not open, it seems that all 16,000 students flock to these establishments at once when they’re looking to get away from the dining hall. There’s hope that the lines will decrease next semester with the opening of the Food Court, but in 2013, we’ve done our fair share of wondering whether the wait was actually worth it (it never is).

5. Getting sick at school — Getting sick is never fun, but getting sick at school with no one to take care of you is the absolute worst. Your mom isn’t here to spoon-feed you honey and rub your tummy, and the nurse from Health Services is getting weirded out that you keep asking her to fill in. Your friends are probably also in rough shape, leaving you quarantined in a sea of bacteria and FOMO.

6. Dining hall food — While Sodexo has its moments (BU mac and cheese anyone?), our dining hall diets are not something to be thankful for. Not only is it common to find yourself getting the same boring sandwich every day (fresh mozzarella and pesto anyone?), but the French fries that are always ready to go make the “Freshman 15” turn into the “Sophomore 30” … and beyond.

7. Catching a blue bus on the weekends — If you don’t live Downtown, don’t want to spend money on a cab and can’t find anyone to drive you, it’s likely that you’re going to be taking a blue bus on the weekends. While we can all appreciate that the Downtown Express now runs every 15 minutes, missing a bus and then having to wait in the cold isn’t the most pleasant experience. Sure, you have your alcohol blanket, but that can only get you so far, and everyone hits their peak tolerance for “back of the bus singers” and “that guy who puked on your friend.”

8. Registration — It may seem like the woes of registration are over after freshman year, but often it seems to only get worse. Getting locked out of a pre-req you absolutely need to take this semester to graduate on time, and not being able to do anything about it, has been known to cause quite a few breakdowns. If you’ve ever heard someone weeping into the phone in the middle of North Reading Room, that’s probably why.

9. Finals week — Just because we all have to take finals doesn’t mean we can’t whine about it. Finals week (and the week before when you have five things due for each class) is the worst time you’ll have in college. No sleep, perpetual snacking and the inevitability that you’re probably going to bomb at least one final are things we’d all like to forget. But, at least it helps us avoid one extra week of winter break.