It’s not hard to find professors who are interested in what they teach. But finding one who can make a course actually interesting, now that’s impressive. Carmen Swoffer-Penna does both. Whether you’re into French culture or just need a language GenEd, Swoffer-Penna will make you love French.

“I think professor Swoffer-Penna’s class is so intense. I feel like I’m engaged in class every time and I like it,” said Jiwon Nam, a freshman majoring in political science. “I have to spend a lot of time studying and preparing for the class, but I can learn a lot at the same time. Overall, I like her class.”

Originally born in Pennsylvania, Swoffer-Penna moved to Binghamton when she was 7 years old. She has always had a love for the French language and culture, perhaps rooted in the fact that she is part French.

Before college, she took part in the Tri-Cities Opera, a local opera company which trains young singers and produces operas throughout the fall and winter. She wasn’t afraid to get in front of a crowd, something that serves her well as a professor today.

When it came time to choose a college, Swoffer-Penna decided on Binghamton University and pursued a Bachelor of Arts in French and a Master of Arts in teaching. Not only did Swoffer-Penna attend school, she also taught a high school class during her college years. So she’s no stranger to heavy workloads.

She later married and had three children, with whom she constantly shares the French language. She has passed her love of all things French to her entire family. One of her daughters, who is a Binghamton alumna, even majored in French and got her master’s degree in teaching, following quite closely in her mother’s footsteps.

At one point in her life, Swoffer-Penna taught English to IBM workers, which proved to be an interesting venture. Throughout this experience, Swoffer-Penna met French wives of workers and developed close friendships with them.

“We would speak French all of the time, go shopping, eat dinner and I would go to France every summer,” she said.

But Swoffer-Penna eventually returned to Binghamton University and worked for the department of romance languages as a French professor. Today, she teaches two beginner French courses in addition to an intermediate French course, French 215, in the spring. Though it may be difficult to work with students who don’t know French, Swoffer-Penna enjoys coming to work five days a week.

“I like working with beginners because they have no bad habits to break,” Swoffer-Penna said. “It’s good to see them every day because it’s important to practice speaking French.”

And her students like coming to class, which is quite the experience. Jessica Cheuvront, a freshman majoring in political science, is a fan of Swoffer-Penna’s hands-on teaching methods.

“She is really funny when she stomps her foot when we get something wrong,” Cheuvront said.

Within a few minutes of class, you can detect the level of enthusiasm and energy she has. She engages students with conversations in French and group work, occasionally throwing in relevant French songs to shake things up.

And when Swoffer-Penna isn’t making French grammar fun, she partakes in other interests. She likes to walk the McArthur track during the wee hours of the morning — 5 to 7 a.m. — when most of us are still dreaming of the weekend ahead. She uses this time to get her workout in and catch up with her friends. Swoffer-Penna also teaches Women’s Bible Study and is a member of the Outreach Program.

And if students stroll into her office, they can see that her enthusiasm for French is not an act, but a true passion. Carrol Coates, a fellow professor in the French department, takes note of Swoffer-Penna’s personality and love for the French language.

“She’s cheerful, bubbly, enthusiastic and vivacious,” Coates said. “I’m sure that she makes students want to get up and participate. She is also serious about French and makes efforts to keep up with it.”

Swoffer-Penna’s excitement for the French culture is evident to those who know her. Whether you want to follow in her footsteps and teach French someday, or you just want to learn the basics, her class is one that you should take.