For those of you lucky enough to be heading to warmer weather and sunny beaches for spring break, you probably want to get your body beach-worthy. So here are some diet tips to help lose those last couple of pounds and a few taxing workouts that will burn away those calories.

Eating Right

First off, don’t starve yourself. It’s stupid, it’s dumb and in the long run your body starts converting your muscle into fat, which is the complete opposite of what you want.

1. Don’t just eat to eat

The first thing you should change about your eating habits is simple — eat only when you’re hungry. No mindless binge eating, avoid those drunken or high munchies and eat only until you’re full. The little things will add up. You don’t need to eat only green vegetables or cut out snacks. Just control yourself and moderate your portion sizes.

2. Carbs aren’t all bad

You also don’t have to cut out all carbs, just don’t consume as many. Make a conscious effort to avoid them when you can, but if you absolutely must eat carbohydrate-rich food, try to eat whole wheat or whole grain instead.

3. Pace yourself

Force yourself to eat slower; your stomach will have more time to register that it’s full. Eat everything with a knife and a fork — you can even try it with pizza.

4. H20 is the way to go

Another way to drop some weight is to cut out all liquids other than water. That means no juice and no soda. Cut down on coffee and yes, that also means avoiding alcohol.

OK, that’s unreasonable.

But you can at least try to cut back and save those blackout nights for warmer vacation days. Your best bet is to avoid the cheap beers, but if you must, opt for Beck’s or Beck’s Light, Guinness Draught, Bud Light, Coors Light, Yuengling Light or Miller Lite. Try to consume drinks on the lighter side of the color spectrum, such as white wines, vodka and gin, as these tend to have fewer calories, but more sugar than darker liquors. And cut out those chasers. Man up and take that shot straight.

Working Out

The best thing to do is to keep your heart rate up, make sure you’re constantly moving and don’t take as many breaks. Do circuits and try to do everything as fast as you can while still maintaining proper form. Be explosive in your workouts.

1. Cardio machines

Go as fast as you possibly can for 30 seconds, then bring your speed down to a walking/easy pace for 30 seconds and then go back to your top speed for 30 seconds. Repeat this cycle for five to 10 minutes and that’s your full cardio workout. It’s much more efficient — for fat-burning purposes — to work out at a higher intensity for a shorter period of time than to just simply walk or jog for an hour at a slower pace.

2. The 55

This workout is a combination of squats and push-ups. You perform one body squat and immediately follow it by doing 10 push-ups. Rest for 20 to 30 seconds, then perform two squats and follow with nine push-ups.

Repeat this process of doing one more squat and doing one less push-up each time until you are doing 10 squats and only one push-up. At this point you have finished and have done a total of 55 push-ups and 55 squats.

3. The jumping jack pyramid

You can do this in place of your normal cardio. For the first part, do as many jumping jacks as you can in 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Then do as many jumping jacks as you can in 20 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. Next, do as many jumping jacks as you can in 30 seconds then rest for 30 seconds. Then reverse the process doing the 30, 20 and 10-second routine in that order. Repeat this entire workout three times.

4. Goblet Squats, Kettlebell Swings and Burpees

For the Goblet Squat, grab a dumbbell or kettlebell and hold it against your chest as if you were holding a goblet (hence the name). With the weight against your chest, squat down — you want to have your elbows slide down past the inside of your knees. Stand back up and that’s one rep.

For Kettlebell Swings, begin by holding a kettlebell with both hands, arms extended in front, in a shoulder length stance. To begin the swing movement, squat down and flick the kettlebell back between your legs. As the kettlebell begins to decline back down from your flicking motion, simultaneously squat back up and thrust your hips forward. This should cause the kettlebell to propel forward.

A Burpee is done in four steps. Begin in a standing position, then drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. Step two is to extend your feet back in one quick motion so you assume a push up position. Next, bring your feet back in with one quick motion so you’re in the squatting position. Finally, return to the upright standing position.

For this workout routine, perform 25 reps of each exercise. After each exercise, breathe 10 times out of your nose, then proceed immediately to the next exercise. You have finished the circuit once when you finish all three exercises. Try to do three circuits with a 90-second break in between each finished circuit.