Got a crush on someone in your class, someone in your dorm or someone who doesn’t even know you exist? Pass a note through Binghamton Crushes. Everyone knows about the page, but no one knows who’s behind it. Neither do we, but we did get to talk to the creator.

Binghamton Crushes is a Facebook page that posts user-submitted crushes sent anonymously through a form on Google Drive. It’s the one Binghamton-related Facebook page that has truly broken out after Bing-U Secrets’ success. The page already has over 3,000 friends and posts dozens of user-submitted crushes every week. In an interview with Pipe Dream over Facebook, the person behind the page, a sophomore majoring in psychology, revealed that he or she isn’t the same person behind the Bing-U Secrets Facebook page (which, with its misplaced hyphen, is different from but functionally identical to the Bing U-Secrets page profiled in Pipe Dream earlier this year). But we did get the scoop on the viral Facebook page that Binghamton students are all crushing on.

Release: Why did you start Binghamton Crushes?

Binghamton Crushes: I started Binghamton Crushes because I thought it would be a fun and secret way for people to let their crushes know that someone is interested in them. Not only does it give the crushes a self-esteem boost because someone is interested in them, but it also gives the “crusher” the courage to maybe do something about their crush, especially if their crush responds positively!

R: Can you please talk about the start of your Facebook page? When you decided to start it, how you came up with it, when you posted your first submission, etc.

BC: I created the Facebook page, first adding people who attended Binghamton University. My plans were to not post anything until the page had a lot of “friends.” Once that happened, I requested on my page for people to post about their crushes, and I was surprised at the number of responses I received. I don’t change any of the submissions, and just post exactly what people write. Once I created the anonymous submission page a couple of days later, responses started coming in even greater numbers. And the rest writes itself!

R: As of now, how many other people know you’re behind Binghamton Crushes?

BC: As of now, only 3 others know I’m behind Binghamton Crushes, and they help me post submissions, and check the page regularly as well.

R: Do you reject any posts?

BC: We do filter certain posts that we consider are offensive to others. If they’re not nice, then we won’t post them. However, because there are 3 others posting people’s submissions, our judgments of what are considered to be offensive are different. If someone messages us to take down a post, we will do it without question out of courtesy.

R: Do you do any editing for posts? If so, for what reasons?

BC: Nope, we don’t edit any posts. We post them exactly as they are submitted.

R: Anything else you wanted to say?

BC: I love hearing people talk about Binghamton Crushes around me (especially my friends), so keep talking about it with your friends! The world will be surprised to find out who is the creator behind all of this.

This interview has been edited and condensed, but you can also check out Binghamton Crushes on Facebook to see what the hype is all about!