As a college student, it’s common to look for new ways to express yourself, and tattoos are a great option to show off your creative side. However, tattoos can be expensive to obtain, as well as care for, and you might not be ready to commit to a design for the rest of your life. Luckily, we found some nonpermanent options that can allow you to experiment without breaking the bank.

Henna Temporary Tattoo

Henna temporary tattoos are a form of temporary body art using Henna dye, which comes from the Lawsonia inermis plant. These types of tattoos trace back to antiquity, used historically in cultures of the Indian subcontinent, North Africa and the Middle East. You can buy Henna at Walmart or online, and some cultural clubs on campus will give you a Henna tattoo for free at special events. It is generally applied with a stick or a plastic cone. The longer the paste is left on your skin, the darker and more durable the tattoo will be. In order to stop it from falling off, you can use a sugar and lemon mix over the dried paste. Henna tattoos are relatively inexpensive and give you the ability to choose your design. They can last for one to four weeks.

Airbrush Tattoo

Airbrush tattoos can give you a variety of colored designs using a stencil. Airbrush temporary tattoo ink should be FDA-approved, so ask your artist to verify that this is the case. It should also be hypoallergenic, as it will be sprayed directly on your skin. Binghamton University’s Late Nite frequently brings in airbrush tattoo artists who will allow you to get a design for free. It is also common to see airbrush tattoos at events such as amusement parks or fairs. You could buy your own airbrush spray kit online, but it might be a better idea to get it done by someone else if you are not experienced. The airbrush itself is made of rubbing alcohol, an emulsifying agent to make the skin smooth, and mica pigment, which gives the tattoo color. These resemble real tattoos quite well and cost about $10. They can last for about a week.

Temporary Tattoos

While temporary tattoos are typically meant for kids, with the right attitude, they don’t have to be. You can look online for themes that are relevant to your interests or use them to decorate your face for game day or special occasions. Temporary tattoos usually have an image on a special type of paper that you can apply to your skin with water. These tattoos can last from a few days to a week depending on how often you wash the area. They can also be easily washed off to change to a new design. Temporary tattoos are fairly inexpensive and cost a couple of dollars at most.