Are you tired of boring Halloween pre-games? Are you yearning for #90s nostalgia? Look no further. Release has double the Halloween movie drinking games to save you the toil and trouble.


Take a sip:

–Every time Sophie does or says something creepy.

–Every time the laws of physics are broken.

–For every bad Disney Channel Original Movie special effect.

–For every bad joke that Benny, the skeleton cab driver, makes.

Take two sips:

–If you actually laughed at the joke Benny made.

–When you’re not sure if someone is wearing Halloween attire or if it’s just ’90s fashion.

–Every time you want to punch Dylan in the face.

–Every time you’re reminded of “American Horror Story.”

Take three sips:

-Every time Marnie talks about how great Halloween is.

-Every time Aggie puts someone in their place.

-Any time someone says the name “Cromwell.”

Finish your drink:

–Every time the kids find an ingredient to activate Merlin’s wand.

–If you see a costume that you’ve worn before.


–Every time Kalabar gets thirsty for Gwen.

–Every time someone casts a spell.

“Hocus Pocus”

Take a sip:

–Every time one of the witches makes a sassy comment.

–Any time a spell book is mentioned.

–Every time one of the witches refers to another witch as “sister.”

–Every time the witches say they smell children.

Take two sips:

–Any time there’s sexual tension between Max and Allison.

–Every time Dani insults someone.

–Any time Sarah, the witch, has a “dumb blonde” moment.

–Every time the witches are technologically challenged.

Take three sips:

–Every time someone talks about a virgin lighting a candle.

–Every time Dani screams, “Binx!”

–Any time the witches talk about eating children.

Finish your drink:

–During every musical number.

–Every time Billy loses a body part.


–Any time anyone lays down a circle of salt.

–Every time the witches are on their brooms.