“Mad Men” returns this Sunday and Netflix now has every aired episode to date available for streaming on instant queue (so you know how I spent my spring break). Don Draper — after three seasons of existential free fall, one season of actual free fall and finally a season of supposed marital bliss — is back and I’m not just talking about the show being back on. I’m talking about the man. At the end of last season Don walks out into the darkness, away from his wife, and emerges in a smoke-filled bar. He takes a seat, orders an Old Fashioned and is approached by a woman who asks him if he’s alone. But of course Don knows that everyone’s alone. Whether or not he cheats is not important: The old Don Draper is back. Now season 5 was by no means a bad season, even by “Mad Men’s” standards. It had some great moments, some shocking twists and, as always, hilarious banter. It did, however, have some decidedly weak moments. After all, last season was the first time in the show’s five-year run it didn’t win the Emmy for Best Drama. Now I, like every other fan, am chomping at the bit for the new season to premiere, so I thought I would explain some things that remind me why this is one of the best shows ever.

1. Less overt symbolism

I didn’t mind the empty elevator shaft last season even though it was obvious symbolism, because it was left up to the viewers to interpret what it meant. On the other hand the sore tooth Don was suffering from smacked the viewers over the head so hard I think I’m still concussed.

2. So much less Betty

I didn’t like her when she was married to Don and I hate her now. There is nothing, aside from the kids, that could make the Don-Betty dynamic dramatic or even interesting. She obviously has to still be seen once or twice, or at least be mentioned but anything more than that is only going to piss viewers off.

3. So much more Ginsberg

Possibly my favorite character on the show. Definitely one of the funniest. His “Martian” speech about being born in a concentration camp and feeling alone in the world was also one of the most heartbreaking, beautiful moments in the show’s history.

4. So much more Pete. Specifically: So much more Pete getting punched in the face.

Does this even require an explanation?

5. Not making Megan the new Betty

It seems like everything is there except for a few differences. Megan, like Betty, is an aspiring actress and model and now seems to be relying on Don for her happiness. However, Megan is much more strong-willed and independent, plus she knows Don’s true identity, so there’s hope she’ll blaze her own trail on the show.

6. Old Don

Based on that look I think he’s back, and I couldn’t be happier to see him.