
Dear Sarah,

I’m struggling to balance studying for finals and maintaining my social life, hanging out with my friends, going out and seeing my girlfriend. Can you please give me advice on how to balance my life?



Surviving the post-Thanksgiving slump

Dear SP,

Welcome to the post-Thanksgiving slump, where your days consist of papers, cramming for finals, dirty laundry and low meal plan alerts (yes, those exist).

It seems like a miserable time, but coming from a student who survived midterms with bronchitis and finals with mono, it’s possible to end the semester feeling pretty confident.

My first suggestion is to take a breath. You have a lot going on and will get nowhere by putting any more pressure on yourself. Yes, everything is crammed into these next two weeks, but despite what many people believe, the grade you get on that Anthropology 114 final will not determine your future success.

Secondly, make daily agendas that consist of time dedicated to studying and to socializing. Make dinner dates with your girlfriend and lunch plans with your friends. Study with a group and take a break every hour or so to catch up.

Lastly, it’s going to be tough. You’re going to crave 20 cent beer from JT’s and miss hearing Larry’s voice on the mic at T&M, but the suffering that comes with finals week is what we signed up for. If you remember to manage your time, study smart, get sleep and reward yourself, your five weeks plastered on your couch will be well deserved.